10 Best Healthy On-the-Go Snacks

by dailyinsightbrew.com
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10 Best Healthy On The Go Snacks

If you don’t spend a little time preparing, you’ll spend a lot of time regretting it, and nobody wants that. Most people say they don’t have time, but these snacks are easy to prepare and perfect to pack. Ditch the guilt and grab the 10 best healthy snacks on the go.

If you use my Hot Body Meal plan, you already know many of these snacks. They are made to give you energy, burn fat and keep you full. If you eat the right balance of fats, carbs and protein throughout the day, you’ll curb cravings and teach your body to work for you!

You can prepare them in large batches and separate them into zip-top bags or containers to store in the fridge or freezer. If you take just 30 minutes to prepare your snack game, you’ll save a lot of HANGRY calories.


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My favorites are almonds, pecans, pistachios, walnuts and macadamia nuts. These nuts contain tons of nutrients and healthy fats and proteins.

It is important to remember that too much of a good thing is not good. Although extremely healthy, nuts are high in fat. It’s easy to mindlessly sit down and eat handful after handful, but that can quickly add up to hundreds of calories.

Snack portion:

Stick in about 15-20 whole nuts, a small handful or about 1-2 tablespoons of nut butter. Eat them slowly and enjoy every bite!

Vegetables & Hummus

This is foolproof. Vegetables like celery, cucumbers and carrots make a great hummus. It’s easy to buy them in bulk, wash them, cut them and pack them to get started.

Hummus itself is great because it’s packed with fiber and protein. I prefer to make my own (recipe in the Hot Body Meal Plan) because you can eliminate any unnecessary ingredients and season it however you like!

Snack portion:

1-2 tablespoons of humus + as many vegetables as you want!

Apple & nut butter

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I don’t know if it will keep the Dr away, but an apple will keep you full! It has enough sugar to beat any sweet cravings and, paired with 1 tablespoon of your favorite nut butter, keeps you full with healthy fats and protein too!

My favorites are peanut butter, almonds and cashews. The key is to find the ones made with JUST NUTS. No added oils, sugars or salts.

I also love these little individual packets of on-the-go snacks Justins. They make carrying your snack easier and you can eat it straight from the package.

Snack portion:

1-2 tablespoons nut butter + 1 medium apple

Fresh Spring Rolls

10 Best Healthy Snacks to Take on the Go healthy snacks healthy snacks to go meal prep how to prep snacks best healthy snacks how to make healthy snacks

It’s like a mini sandwich minus the processed bread you don’t need. These are so good in the summer! Fresh, easy to use and you can make them vegetarian or add protein!

It’s literally rice paper with whatever veggies or protein you want to add. I like to make carrots, zucchini, spinach, avocado and cooked shrimp.

Snack portion:

1-2 rolls

Hard boiled eggs

10 Best Healthy Snacks to Grab on the Go healthy snacks healthy snacks on the go best snacks for weight loss how to lose weight

Boiled eggs are #1 in my book. It’s literally the perfect source of protein and one of the easiest snacks to grab on the go. I know they can smell funny, but oh well… it’s worth it.

All you have to do is place the eggs in a pot and cover them with cold water. Let the water boil and cover, removing it from the heat. Let them sit for about 15 minutes and enjoy.

Antenna! Healthy snack to go!

Snack portion

1 egg

Greek yogurt parfait

This is my FAVORITE snack ever! Okay… it’s really like a dessert that I LOVE!

I use my homemade granola, it’s much healthier than store bought. Use 0% plain Greek yogurt and top with granola and fresh blueberries.

If you just can’t stand plain Greek yogurt, that’s okay. Just make sure you find one that’s low in sugar, ideally under 10 grams per serving.

Snack portion:

1 cup Greek yogurt

2 tablespoons of granola

1/4 cup blueberries

Turkey Jerky

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It’s an easy snack that’s packed with protein. That said, some are also loaded with sugar, and it’s hard to avoid high sodium.

When impulse shopping, look for ingredient lists with as few ingredients as possible. Try to find ones with less than 3 grams of sugar per serving, less than 12% sodium, and drink plenty of water to keep it from salt.

My favorites are the Epic snack bars

Snack portion:

1 1/4 oz jerky or a stick

Egg Muffins

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Eggs aren’t just for breakfast my friends! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

I try to make these breakfast muffins at least once every other week so I can keep some in the fridge and some in the freezer. They are easy to grab and go for breakfast or a simple on-the-go snack.

Snack portion:

2 muffins

Cottage Cheese

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It may not look very exciting on its own, but cottage cheese is a great high-protein snack that can easily be made super tasty.

Add spices or avocado to make it savory or sweeten with fresh fruit. Either way it’s a good FILLING snack that you can enjoy guilt free.

Snack portion:

3/4 fl


10 Best Healthy Snacks to Take on the Go healthy snacks best healthy snacks best snacks for weight loss snacks for weight loss healthier snacks

Smoothies are one of those snacks that can make or break your day. It’s very easy to fill them with tons of ingredients and turn a snack into a days worth of calories.

Try using water instead of milk if you’re using protein powder, and stick to lower-sugar fruits like berries and apples. Avocado is a great addition to get healthy fats and make your smoothie even smoother!

My favorite protein powder is from Vital Proteins. They have the best quality I have found and many different options. If you’re looking for a vegan/vegetarian option, I like Garden of Life, Raw or Vega.

Snack portion:

See the recipes here and on the Hot Body Meal Plan (vegetarian version available) or make your own using the serving size listed on your protein container.

A healthy body and mind starts from the inside out. I’ve been through the ups and downs of fad diets, wanting to see results that lasted, but not knowing how to get there. Once I realized how important nutrition was, I finally saw PERMANENT change.

Nutrition is truly the most important tool in building (and maintaining) a HEALTHY and strong physique. Through my own journey I have learned how to have a healthy relationship with food so that I can truly fuel my body and make it work for me.

If you’re looking for a simple, straightforward plan to jumpstart your clean eating routine, lose weight and tone up, the Hot Body Meal Plan is for you!

Thousands of girls have already started the LSF Hot Body Plan and are seeing incredible HEALTHY changes in their bodies

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