3 Tips for Thicker and Shiny Hair in 2024 (Keep Your Hope Alive)

by dailyinsightbrew.com
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3 Tips For Thicker And Shiny Hair In 2024 (keep

Is your only wish for this year is to get thick, beautiful hair?

And that too using natural remedies.

So what’s the secret potion to waking up your sleeping locks? A kiss from your beloved will not work, unfortunately. But there is a simple method you can follow to get the beautiful hair you’ve always wanted.

Here are three things you should do:

1. Keep Hope alive

2. Dream of growing beautiful hair

3. Make a lot of mistakes

3 Tips for thicker and shinier hair

1. Keep Hope Alive (Your hair will get better)

First, hope your hair gets better. It will become thicker and stronger and shinier. It may seem impossible right now, but keep telling yourself it can happen.

To have hope is to have an expectation that things will get better in the future. So you don’t feel so miserable about the problem.

It’s not like hope is going to wave a magic wand and make hair grow.

But an uplifted attitude can inspire us to seek the right answer to our problems, whether it’s growing hair, developing clean energy, or pleasing your in-laws.

What really helps the process is imagination or visualization.

2. Dream of growing beautiful hair

Yes, imagine/visualize how you want your hair to be, color, length, texture, etc. Create a clear mental image of the hair you desire. And voila your hair will be transformed after 30 days.

Visualization no-no doesn’t work that way.

But if you think, you create a mental model for whatever goal you want to pursue. What it does is prompt you to take action. Also, visualizing the outcome of your dreams will help stimulate your motivation and confidence.

However, you still need to take action. Because just hoping and visualizing won’t work. You have to oil your hair, massage your head and make a lot of mistakes…

3. Make a lot of mistakes


Mistakes teach you an important lesson. It tells us what works and what doesn’t.

Sometimes, nothing seems to work.

And that can be overwhelming. Especially if you’ve tried treatment after treatment and serum after serum, and the results have been blah.

So what to do?

Be dispassionate about the whole effect. Take it as a “silly game” and enjoy the process, so it’s fun. But if you’re too stressed before trying any treatment, then it becomes an exhausting routine, and a tiny disappointment can feel like a mammoth failure.

Finally, don’t despair that you haven’t found anything because there is always something else, another drug or potion you can try that might work.

how do i know

It’s been my experience that when I didn’t get bogged down in frustrations and just kept experimenting, things started to fall into place.

And I have thick, shiny, beautiful hair. And you, too, can very soon have the hair of your dreams.

Have questions or something else to share? Do so in the comment box below…

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