5 Ingredients That Will Really Repair Your Skin’s Barrier

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5 Ingredients That Will Really Repair Your Skin's Barrier

In recent years, the emphasis on maintaining a healthy and resilient skin barrier has grown in popularity, yet the components responsible for repair are not often discussed. As we approach 2024, a distinct trend is emerging – a shift towards skincare formulations that speak to the science behind barrier repair.

In case you don’t know about the skin barrier, here’s what you need to know first.

The moisture barrier is the outermost layer of the skin that helps retain water and protects it from external aggressors such as bacteria and environmental debris. Think of it as your skin’s personal bodyguard, helping to keep the good in and the bad out. It is made up of lipids (oils) that bind your skin cells together. When intact, it is responsible for keeping the skin soft and smooth. When the moisture barrier is damaged (such as from excessive exfoliation, retinol, and using harsh products), small, invisible cracks appear. Through these cracks, moisture can easily escape and irritants can easily enter. The skin may start to feel tight, dry and sensitive. Essentially, it’s like your skin has lost its protective bodyguard – and it needs to be fixed!

Therefore, which components and methods are better to repair Your barrier?

From the point of view of product composition, these are five effective ways repair a breached dam which you need to know when choosing care products.

1. Use products that contain about 2-4% niacinamide

This versatile ingredient plays a key role in not only repairing the skin barrier but also promoting overall skin health. Niacinamide is most beneficial in serums or moisturizers left on the skin, so it has time to penetrate the upper layers of the skin and go to work.

2. Use products containing usnic acid (usnea)

Usnic acid is a natural lichen extract that is a gentle barrier repair solution. It balances the skin’s microbiome, leaving it feeling soft. Usnic acid can be found in products in the form of sodium usnicate or Usnea Barbata (Lichen) extract.

3. Use products that contain ceramides, essential fatty acids and fatty acids

These ingredients work in harmony to strengthen and replenish the skin’s barrier, providing the necessary building blocks for healthy skin. Look for ingredients like phytosphingosine, ceramide AP and ceramide NP. Phytosterols are also great for barrier repair and are very similar to ceramides in that they are part of the skin’s structure.

4. Use products that contain vegetable oils rich in fatty acids and omegas

Incorporating vegetable oils into our routine helps nourish the skin with essential fatty acids and omegas, promoting barrier recovery. Shea butter, jojoba oil and squalene have ingredients similar to the structure of human sebum, making them a natural application to protect your skin’s barrier.

Vegetable oils are rich in omegas Borage oil, Evening primrose oiland flaxseed.

You can either use a moisturizer full of plant oils or apply a few drops Pro Remedy Oil as the final step of your skincare routine to lock in moisture – see how to apply it the right way.

5. Use products with occlusive ingredients

Emulsifiers in skin care refer to ingredients that create a barrier on the surface of the skin, helping to prevent water loss and enhancing moisture retention. It’s a common misconception that clogging ingredients (like ceramides, squalane, and shea butter) clog pores or don’t allow your skin to breathe. In fact, it takes the right amount of occlusive ingredients to create a protective seal, preventing moisture loss and helping to repair the barrier. Sunflower oil is an occlusive vegetable oil found in Phytolipid Comfort Cream which works to repair the skin’s moisture barrier function.

Look for the following clogging ingredients when purchasing barrier repair products.

As many barrier repair brands claim, understanding the science of how a product achieves this is becoming increasingly important. Many brands claim that a moisturizer or mask will repair the barrier, but it is very important to understand how a product achieves this. I hope this has brought you some clarity on the “how” of effective barrier repair. Now you can ensure your skin care choices align with the rationale behind healthy, glowing skin.

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