7 simple self-care practices to boost health and happiness

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7 Simple Self Care Practices To Boost Health And Happiness

In a world that’s constantly on the go, making time for self-care can feel like trying to find a unicorn—rare and magical! But taking care of yourself isn’t just about pampering spa days or Instagram-worthy bubble baths. It’s the everyday things that make a real difference to how you feel, both physically and mentally. Here are seven self-care practices that are easy to implement into your life and are guaranteed to bring a little more joy into your day!

1. Morning mindfulness with a comfortable twist

Who said mindfulness has to be serious? Start your day by taking a few minutes it is. Whether it’s deep breathing, a short meditation, or looking out the window with your favorite hot beverage in hand, taking a minute to center yourself is a game changer.

2. Treat your feet, they deserve it!

Your feet take you everywhere, so why not give them the love they deserve? I start by wearing mine orthotic sandals for womenbecause I’m 44, and my little feet are happier in my PowerStep babies. Find shoes that give you the most comfort and joy. Also, treat yourself to a DIY foot massage or soak your feet in warm water with some essential oils. Then, slather on your favorite lotion and — yep, you guessed it — slip into your comfiest house slippers. Your feet will thank you and you’ll feel like you’re walking on clouds for the rest of the day!

3. Dance like nobody’s watching (because nobody’s)

Exercise doesn’t mean dragging yourself to the gym! Move your body in ways that make you feel good. Turn on your favorite playlist and have a spontaneous dance party in your living room. If you’re more of a yogi, Yin yoga is great for stretching and relaxing – come and attend one of my classes at West Coast Gym! The key is to make movement fun so it feels less like a chore and more like a celebration of what your body can do!

4. Drink water like a boss

You’ve probably heard it a million times: drink more water! But hydration doesn’t have to be boring. Get yourself a fancy water bottle or add fun infusions like lemon, mint or cucumber. Drinking something that looks and tastes refreshing can be surprisingly satisfying, and your skin (and mood) will thank you later.

5. Create an evening routine you can’t wait for

Picture this: soft lighting, relaxing music and that ahhh moment when you slip into your favorite fuzzy slippers after a long day. Make the end of the night feel like an event! Whether you’re reading, journaling, or soaking in the tub with a heavenly-smelling bath bomb, a consistent nighttime routine helps you de-stress and sleep better. Don’t be surprised if you start looking forward to bedtime like it’s a mini vacation!

6. Eat your veggies (but don’t forget the pizza)

We all know that what we eat affects how we feel. But instead of stressing over the perfect diet, focus on adding more whole, nutritious foods to your meals. Fresh fruits, crunchy vegetables and whole grains are the real MVPs for keeping you energized. And don’t forget—treat yourself to a pizza night (Amy’s vegan pizza all the way!) or your favorite dessert (hit all the Doe Donuts in mah face!) is equally important. Self care is all about balance and sometimes happiness tastes like chocolate cake.

7. Unplug like it’s 1995

Remember the days before smartphones? Sometimes, it’s good to pretend we’re back in the 90s and disconnect from the digital world. Constant notifications can make your brain feel like a pinball machine. So put your phone on do not disturb, curl up in those aforementioned comfy slippers, and enjoy a device-free moment. Whether you’re reading a book, talking to a friend, or just doing nothing (yes, that’s allowed!), you’ll feel more present and calm.

Final Thoughts

Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s about finding simple, joyful ways to take care of yourself every day. Whether it’s starting your morning mindfully (and in slippers!), dancing your heart out or pampering your feet, the key is to make self-care something that want to do, not something you feel have to do.

So, slip on those slippers, drink your water, and dance like nobody’s watching—because you are!

This is a sponsored post with Responsival. The opinions are 100% my own and I only share products that I truly love.

About Sunny (Profile of Sunny)

Long-time vegan, die-hard compassionate beauty geek, serious cake lover, and lover of all things fluffy and sparkly! If there’s anything in particular you’d like me to review, drop me a line at Sunny@VeganBeautyReview.com. You can also find me at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTubeand Google +.

Filed under: vegan lifestyle
Tags: orthotics for women • PowerStep • self-care

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