I vividly remember my first trip to a national park. I was 23 and visited the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park for the first time. For the occasion, I bought clothes that I felt looked like: A fleece vest, a pair of Adidas Terrex hiking boots (my first pair of hiking boots!) and jerseys. Although it was comfortable, my wardrobe didn’t reflect me. It was more of an unimaginative take. Think, outdoor cosplay. On the same trip, I had an epiphany. As I hiked a popular trail in Zion, I was met with strange looks, as if they were surprised I was there. This confused me because they are my K’iche’ Maya ancestors Literally native to America. But, by design, the countryside is often seen as a space for white people.
This experience marked a definite shift for me: If they were going to stare, then I would give them a reason. Since then, every piece of outdoor gear has felt uniquely me. I confidently took up space, physically and metaphorically. I let functional outerwear become an expression and extension of my bright aura whether I’m hiking or running errands. My essence of gorpcore (outdoor rec pieces worn as streetwear) has been nurtured by my love of spending time outdoors.
First I went hiking visiting my aunt in Los Angeles. He took me and my brother on a short hike to Griffith Observatory and the rest is, as they say, history. The feeling of awe at the top of the observatory, looking out over the mountains and the city of Los Angeles, would set the path for me to return to that exact spot 15 years later with a crew of black and brown women and allies. to space and reconnect with Mother Nature. This 2017 event was the first meeting for an idea called Hiking Clerb. Fast forward to today, Hike Clerb is a national nonprofit that has gotten over 2,200 people of color on the trails.
“My essence of gorpcore (outdoor rec pieces worn as streetwear) has been cultivated by my love of spending time outdoors.”
Evelyn Escobar
Like most kids from the suburbs, I grew up playing outside. The forest was our playground, and I didn’t think twice about it. As I grew older, I began to see how society reinforces the myth that people of color and nature are special. This unnatural separation made me realize how different we were in a space that also gave birth to us. As a black and indigenous Latina woman spending time in nature in a predominantly white space in Northern Virginia, I understood what it was like to be other. Going outside and changing into play clothes was my routine, but there were layers to the re-creation that I didn’t fully understand until adulthood.
Gorp is reportedly a diminutive for “good raisins and peanuts,” aka trail mix, but also refers to an outdoor lifestyle. Spending more time in nature, before the term “gorpcore” came around, I found myself wearing versatile pieces that could take me from a hike to a hangout with friends. I’ve always been a cozy girl — subconsciously influenced by my grandmother’s love of big and comfortable clothes, the foundation was there.
“Society reinforces the myth that people of color and nature people are separate. This unnatural separation made me realize how different we were in a space that also gave birth to us.”
Now, my style is bright, functional, fluid and comfortable. Through all the evolutions in my style, comfort remains king. Whether it was bandanas, my love of vests, cargos, fleeces, and zip-ups (shout out to the Limited, too!), I’ve always been a bit edgy and sporty. I dress like I’m about to set up a stage before I even know how to set up a stage properly.
Strong streetwear influenced with lots of colors and seasons, gorpcore makes me feel comfortable and prepared. Here’s how I achieve the look.
Take up space.
They take up space, literally and figuratively. The looser the pants, the better. The bigger the sweater, the better. Occupying space is a way of being. Too often society reinforces assimilation and plays it small, but whether it’s big and baggy clothes or a sense of belonging, I bring my full self to every environment I step foot into.
Invest in your boots.
Shoes must be on point. When I first started hiking, I was using old running shoes. It wasn’t until I got my first pair of hiking shoes that I realized that yes, you Really they need them. Now, you can find me in my hiking shoes and boots on and off the trail. If there’s one thing worth fooling around with, it’s always the shoes.
There are literally so many brands to choose from when it comes to boots, but you’ll probably catch me Merrell, Acute, Solomon, Trucksthe North view hiking boots.
Recycle your Fit.
Make old things new again. Upcycling can be as simple as turning an old piece into a new color or as complex as DIYing a hydration bra to wear on your next hike. You don’t need to be an expert to get started. I have basic sewing skills and made this hydration bra with Nicole McLaughlin in a workshop she hosted with Camelbak and High Snobiety. Don’t know where to start? Try joining a workshop in your area or follow YouTube or TikTok guides to give your old items a new use.
Make it functional.
The less I have to carry with my hands, the better. I love getting creative with all the pockets, straps and clips that a piece has. Layering is also key. When in doubt, throw on a layer because flexibility is key. We love a vest and other lightweight convertible pieces that you can wear in different ways throughout the day in the heat or cold.
You can complete a look with a bandana — tell me you were a ’90s baby without telling me you were a ’90s baby. From holding fins to protecting you from dust and dirt, to me, a bandana is the cherry on top of a full outdoor outfit.
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