The first Full Moon of 2025 is here. It’s time to let them go or be dragged away

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The First Full Moon Of 2025 Is Here. It's Time

The first full moon of 2025 is coming hot! January 13th is a moment that will change our lives for the better, but only if we let it. La luna asks us to break free and evolve, which can be very complicated for many of us because we long to stay in our comfort zones. While the unknown is scary, there is magic in transforming and becoming a better version of ourselves.

When Mars connects with the moon, we often use this time to tend to and nurture relationships. However, with Mars walking across the sky, the planetary alignment shifts gears. Instead of pushing things forward, we may choose to stop and think about what we really desire and want. We may focus on our feelings and past behaviors that have preoccupied us. Uranus retrograde in Taurus brings an opportunity to heal the past, but this depends on the person we hope to discuss the issues with who is open to doing so. It is important to be mindful of their personal boundaries.

The presence of Neptune in Pisces can mean that it is difficult for us to access the truth. Leaning into our intuition could be beneficial, but we must be careful not to make assumptions as Mars retrograde can lead us down the wrong path. To gain clarity, meditation or writing down our feelings is recommended as it allows for a new perspective. The flip side is that we may want to live in our fantasy world and embrace our emotions delusionally. That way, we can believe whatever we want and don’t have to abide by anyone’s suggestions or ideas that we may not agree with.

That said, the more edgy and dark emotions of the full moon push us to break out of our circles—not without a fight. Although we are in a state of ambiguity, we are drawn to assert our individuality and freedom. The truth is that we are tired of having the same discussions and arguments. The vibe is stale and we’re in the mood for levity. We want to mix it up. However, doing so will create tension with others because we want them to take the lead. Instead of being aggressive, express every pure and raw emotion. Being direct is a great way to handle energy, especially when people are unsure of what they want for themselves.

Before we assert ourselves, we need to practice what we want to say to convey the right point of view. Coming across as unruly or crude can ruffle a lot of feathers and won’t help our cause. Write it down, say it out loud, practice in front of a mirror — whatever you do, just be sure to speak with kindness. Everything goes smoother with a spoonful of sugar, so add a dash of sweetness to these statements.

It may take a minute to get the desired response, but it will give the other person something to think about. The last thing we want to do is put pressure on a situation, especially when emotions and passions are high. Be clear that they must answer when they are ready. Allowing people to come to their own conclusions and decisions is reassuring. you will know that they do whatever they wish without any tricks or manipulation. Also, it is a reminder to you that they are in a relationship or friendship for all the right reasons. They want to be here with you on this journey.

Many tears will be shed, some partnerships may be broken, and a new dynamic will be born. The full moon in Cancer opens up the potential and stamina we have to nurture meaningful and lasting relationships. Even though it may not feel like it right now, remember that the new year begins and we bring into our lives people and situations that are on our level. It’s time to quit or get dragged: We don’t want to bring old vibes to 2025.

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