Podcast 255: How Moringa Oil helps an Amazon community to protect its future

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Podcast 255: how moringa oil helps an amazon community to

Have you ever stopped considering where the ingredients come from your beauty products? Behind each bottle of oil or cream jar is a story – which often goes untouched.

In this episode of talks by Green Beauty, Lorraine Dallmeier-Formula Botanica-Celebration with Chloé Vallée, co-founder of his co-founder of Primegreen, A social enterprise transforms the way the beauty industry goes to its ingredients.

Together, they explore how to create moral and sustainable chains of value for ingredients such as Moringa oil, refreshing communities and environmental protection.

Coordinate now to find out about the social and environmental impacts of sustainable agriculture, challenges and rewards of cooperation with local growers and the way stories they say can inspire change throughout the beauty industry.

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“When we support ethical ingredients like Moringa, we do not only create beauty products. We strengthen communities. We restore ecosystems and proving that sustainability and business can keep up.” – Chloe Vallée

In this episode with Chloé Vallée, you will hear:

  • The story behind Moringa. Learn how Moringa’s sustainable profile helps restructure and unknown areas, requires a little water and yields result in a few months.
  • Primegreen’s commitment to chains of moral value. Discover how Chloé and her team connect growers in Latin America with European beauty brands to ensure moral commission.
  • The power of the narrative. Understand how sharing the stories of farmers can change the way the beauty industry and consumers approach the supply of ingredients.
  • Social impact on action. Listen to how Primegreen’s partnerships turn farm communities by improving working conditions and local infrastructure.

Basics include:

  • The environmental benefits of Moringa. Moringa trees thrive in barren conditions, support reforestation and do not require pesticides. Its by -products, such as seed cake, contribute to the fertility of the soil, making it an environmentally friendly choice for beauty brands.
  • Building chains of sustainable value. PrimeGreen works closely with growers to meet European quality standards, to ensure safe certifications such as the organic situation and to secure fair salaries, while preventing decay.
  • Investment in local communities. PrimeGreen does not only go ingredients. The social enterprise supports communities by improving workers’ living conditions and financing local projects, such as housing near plantations.
  • Change of beauty industry. Through the narrative and transparent commission, Primegreen inspires beauty brands and consumers to prioritize sustainability and moral commission beyond the cost.

Get to know our visitor-chloé Vallée, co-founder of Primegreen

Podcast 255: How Moringa Oil helps an Amazon community to protect its futurePodcast 255: How Moringa Oil helps an Amazon community to protect its futureChloé Vallée is his co -founder PrimaryA social enterprise dedicated to creating moral and sustainable chains of value for the ingredients of natural beauty coming from Latin America. Against the backdrop as a pharmacist and extensive experience in Unilever, Chloé forgave her technique of expertise with her passion for sustainability.

Primary It works with local farmers to introduce high quality, sustainable ingredients such as Moringa and Sacha Inchi oils into the global cosmetics industry, turning lives and landscapes into the process.

Learn more about PrimeGreen and Chloé:

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Lorraine DalmtierLorraine Dalmtier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a biologist, a chartered environmentalist and the CEO of Formula Botanica, the award -winning online school cosmetics school. Read more about Lorraine and Formula Botanica.

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