How to stay healthy while stuck at home

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How To Stay Healthy While Stuck At Home

These are very interesting times. Most people in the world are in quarantine, social distancing and taking every measure to stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). In all this chaos, it’s easy to forget your self-care routine. However, these are the times when we need it most. No matter what situation you’re in, remember these quick tips to keep yourself healthy, mind, body and soul.

Working from home;

If you are one of those who can work from home, great. It’s a very safe feeling. However, practicing healthy behavior in the work environment is just as important at home as it is in the workplace. Here are some ways to maintain a healthy routine while working from home.

Create a workspace for yourself. You don’t want to wake up, open your laptop in bed and start working. Your bedroom should be off limits to work! You may think it’s cozy in the morning, but at the end of the day, you’ll want your room to be a safe, clean space. It’s terrible for your back too!

  1. Schedule work hours. You don’t want to find yourself working late into the night. Set time limits as well as space limits. Try to give yourself an office space. Every two hours, get up, stretch and let your mind get away from work for a few moments. Here is a list of quick, healthy mental activities you can use
  2. Add time to your day to get outside. Again, working from home can be difficult for your mind and body to adjust to. You may find that you sacrifice things like your daily walk and vitamin D intake because you can afford to work from home. However, it is just as important to leave your home and feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair as it is to leave an office at the end of the day. When you take your lunch break, go outside. Take your dog for a walk, do some yoga outside or just sit and relax in the sun.

Maintain an exercise routine.

You don’t need a home gym to maintain an effective exercise routine. You need almost nothing, except a little motivation. With just basic exercises you probably did in school, you can feel good and stay strong.

Lunges can be performed anywhere. You can add them to a walk in the park or you can do them in your backyard. Honestly, you could make them at home if you wanted to. Try these too:

  1. Squats without weight are great for your body. In fact, without the weights, you’re doing your knees a favor.
  2. Planks are a great core workout. Even doing planks for just 30 seconds a few times a day will help strengthen your back and core.
  3. An oldie but a goodie? Push ups! They might not be fun, we’d never try to tell you they are, but they work. Strengthen your upper body with just a few pushups a day. Do them until you can’t, then try again the next day.

Here is one a few more exercise ideas that you can perform at home, without equipment!

Stuck at home and not much to do?

During these difficult times you may find yourself at home without much to do. There are two ways to look at such moments. You can sulk. Or, you can take the opportunity to show yourself and the people around you a little extra love. Here are some self-care steps to practice while at home.

  1. Morning yoga! Isn’t it the best? Wake up, make your tea or coffee and let your body stretch for 20-30 minutes. By adding a short yoga session to your morning routine, you create a consistent, healthy environment for your mind and body each day. Even after you’re back to normal everyday life, stick to this routine and you’ll really start your day off right. Your digestive system will thank you because the flow of oxygen and blood improves it. And it helps balance your breathing!
  2. Everyone has washed their hands, right? Of course, you have, probably in exaggeration. While it’s great to be careful, you also need to make sure you don’t fall behind on your moisturizing routine! Washing your hands too much can seriously damage your skin if you don’t moisturize properly. Dry hands can lead to eczema or cracked skin. While you’re stuck at home, give your skin the attention it needs. Nail Magic’s Hand and skin oil can be applied anytime, anywhere. It’s so easy to apply and instantly adds nourishing moisture to your hands, nails and cuticles. Adding this hand and skin oil into your routine now, it will become second nature when normal life returns again.
  3. Treat yourself to a day of beauty. You might neglect your appearance a little as the days of quarantine increase. Try that hairstyle you’ve been wanting to try. Experiment with that new eyeshadow you’ve been hiding. Instead of painting your nails, (since hand washing is top notch), strengthen them. Apply Nail Magic Botanical Nail Strengthener. This nail strengthening formula contains horsetail herb and the nutrient silicon. Our users tell us it’s the best nail strengthener about. Your nails will feel healthy, happy and strong after just a few uses!

Together we will spend these moments.

If you work from home or just spend more time at home than usual, develop a new routine for mind and body. Boundaries are important if you work from home, exercise is key as is showing a little extra love. It is important to stick to a schedule as strictly as possible, get outside, exercise and always remember to take care of yourself. With healthy minds, bodies and souls, we will get through these difficult times together.

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