Fungal skin rashes, ringworm, cuts, bites, abrasions, boils, and itching are common skin conditions that you’ll want to treat quickly. During these times you will want a topical cream that will provide relief and help fight the infection.
If you want a fantastic luxury product that you can use for the whole family, including pregnant women, for minor fungal skin problems, then you’ll love the usability of Botani Antifungal cream.

Fungal infections
Stop the spread of fungal infection
Yeast infections are usually spread to others through contact or shared areas such as showers, gyms, swimming pools and similar shared areas. You should avoid contact with an infected person or pet, their personal items such as clothing, hairbrushes, bedding, pillows or other types of items where the spores of the fungus may remain.
How contagious a person or animal is will depend on the time frame and whether treatment has been started.
Symptoms of fungal infections Tinea (dermatophyte-infection)
It will depend on the type of yeast infection you have as to the symptoms that occur. Fungus likes moist conditions, so it’s important to dry well (especially between your toes) or shower after exercise to prevent fungus.
Tinea pedis / Fungal foot rash
Symptoms of athlete’s foot or athlete’s foot may see you with scaly, peeling, or peeling skin. You may experience inflammation of the area accompanied by a burning sensation and/or it may be discolored and itchy.
Named for the circles it forms on your skin, it’s not a worm but a fungus that can appear anywhere on your body, including your scalp. It can also be present in the nails making them brittle, yellow and thick. Ringworm circles on the skin can spread, vary in size, and increase in size over time if left untreated.
Some people find ringworm to be itchy and/or scaly and it will depend on the severity of the ringworm infection as to your own symptoms.
Jock Itch
Another of the fungal infections, Jock itch appears around the crease in the groin as a red circle and can spread from there. Similar to other skin infections, the skin may itch, peel or feel a burning sensation in the area.
Diaper rash
Diaper rash is sometimes caused by a fungus. Bright red, inflamed, irritated skin that sometimes blisters and is burning or tender are possible symptoms of diaper rash.
Skin rashes, bites, cuts & abrasions
Children and adults will experience skin rashes, cuts and bites, etc. throughout our lives. How our body reacts to them will depend on our health, immune system and any allergies.
It’s during these times that you’ll want an antifungal cream that the whole family can use. Keep the antifungal in your first aid kit for camping, around the house, or when you’re out and about (store as directed).
Buy Australia’s Best Antifungal Cream
When you have a yeast infection, you’ll want to treat it quickly and kill the spores. Many antifungal creams do not kill the fungus but only prevent it from growing. Therefore, once you stop treatment, the fungal infection may return.
Botani Antifungal Cream has 99.4%+ killing factor (% depends on the fungus) and works extremely fast. It is also an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, making it the top antifungal cream for many skin conditions.
The Herb The antifungal cream contains no steroids and is certified vegan, cruelty-free. It will relieve itching and soothe your skin as well as fight infection. Your whole family can benefit from Botani’s antiseptic, antifungal multi-purpose cream – so it’s essential for bites, cuts, abrasions, boils and fungal infections.