Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Conference Review

by dailyinsightbrew.com
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Dave Asprey's Biohacking Conference Review

This post is a full review of my experience at the Biohacking conference, hosted by Dave Asprey, in Dallas, Texas. I am grateful to have been provided with a VIP media pass to witness this amazing experience.

Hello friends! How are you; I hope you’ve had a great morning so far! I’m back in Tucson after an inspiring and transformative trip to Texas last week to attend the Biohacking Conference.

To be perfectly honest, I’ve been feeling pretty blah about fitness and health conferences lately. There’s nothing that caught my eye, and usually conferences are an opportunity to learn more about what’s going on in our industry and light a fire of inspiration. Conferences can be expensive in terms of travel, attendance, childcare, hotel, etc., and I haven’t seen anything particularly worth it lately.

Then I was targeted advertising for the Biohacking Conference, hosted by Dave Asprey, and I immediately knew I wanted to go. The speaker lineup included so many of my favorites, and I’m a big fan of Dave’s.

Photos courtesy of the 10th Annual Biohacking Conference

Needless to say, I was very excited when they offered a media pass to attend. While my presence was provided, please note that this post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own.

Also, I have a LOT to say, so I’ll break it up into three separate posts and a podcast episode!

1) My review of the actual conference and whether I think it’s worth attending (this post)

2) A list of suggestions and things I learned from the various sessions (blog post later this week and podcast next week)

3) My favorite gadgets from the conference, including biohacking strategies you can do at home for low cost or for free (coming early next week)

(with Giselle!)

Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Conference Review

So what exactly is biohacking?

“Biohacking is about taking control of your own biology, using science, data and technology to upgrade your health and performance. The Biohacking Conference brings together the brightest minds in the field to share knowledge, explore cutting-edge technologies and empower individuals to be the CEO of their own health.”
Dave Asprey

I feel like biohacking is the next level for my friends who are already into health and wellness and want to take their routine to the next level. We will continue to see more and more of biohacking as the industry is estimated to be worth 96 billion by 2030.

The conference and speakers:

Curated by visionary Dave Asprey, the Biohacking Annual Conference is a transformative 3-day event that pushes the boundaries of human evolution, performance and longevity, captivating attendees with thought-provoking keynotes and fully immersive experiences. For over a decade, this conference has reigned as the premiere gathering, connecting people with the world’s most innovative minds leading the way in human optimization and biohacking.

The conference started with about 100 attendees 10 years ago and has grown to more than 3,000 attendees – all passionate people with a desire to learn more about improving their health and longevity. In the keynote, Dave Asprey gave a ‘State of Biohacking’ talk.

Some of my notes from his opening speech:

– There is no middle age for biohackers. ranges between all ages

– 60% of biohackers are women

MCT oil reverses Alzheimer’s disease in phase 2 trials

– Hot/cold therapy can 16x growth hormone

– Strategies you can use screen over time to reduce biological age, including telomere testing, cellular health analysis, visceral fat, brain response time, walking speed (how fast you walk correlates with how long you’ll live), strength grip (tried mine in the tech hall!), focus on bioavailable proteins, stress reduction

– Plus very specific notes on what he does in his routine, such as supplements (NAD, Spermadine, Urolithin A), lasers, follistatin, stem cells, the Wasabi method, and I’m sure he will cover all of them in detail in his own next book.

The speakers at this event included so many of my favorites such as Dr. Will Cole, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Anna Kabeka aka The Girlfriend Doctor, Jim Kwik, Dr. Sara Gottfried, Bo Eason, Gabby Berenstein, Dr. Joe DISpenza, and more. It was one of those things where I couldn’t decide which session to attend because there was a glut of amazing options.

I’ll share some notes from the sessions I attended in an upcoming post and some of the things I learned while there!

They had keynote speakers, window chats, giveaways and also Upgrade U sessions in smaller rooms. The Upgrade U sessions were held at the same time so you can decide which ones you want to attend and register in advance.

Some examples of Upgrade U sessions:

– Maximize your body’s protein functions and biowaste ROI

– Biohacking your brain and achieving peak performance

– Harnessing the regenerative power of your own stem cells

– The science and benefits of cryotherapy

– Unlocking the secrets of longevity for our cats and dogs

– Exploring the benefits of PEMF and the trend

and so many more.

The food:

The food was everything approved by Dave Asprey, and included a mix of protein, vegetables, healthy fats, and grain-free desserts with organic ingredients. Even though it was mass produced for a huge crowd, the quality was excellent.

Day 1: bacon burger (I skipped the bacon), vegetables and chocolate mousse with cocoa nibs and berries

Day 2: wild salmon with herb sauce, sweet potato puree, vegetables and mixed berries

The hotel also had a special Biohacking Conference curated menu with various options in the deli and restaurant. It was so great to be able to order options that used organic ingredients and were made without seed oils. The care they put into the quality of the food was evident. Usually when you attend work events or conferences it’s a bit of a mixed bag to eat and it was so easy to stick to eating habits that make me feel better while we were there.

The technology room:

The wonderland of technology. It was everything a health and wellness nerd like yours truly (and all my BFF readers) could ever want.

It was huge and included vendors for nutritional supplements, food, blue light glasses, skin care, distress coffee, saunas, Air Doctors, pillows, bedding, PEMF, lymphatic drainage, meditation, cryotherapy, cryotherapy, books, wellness tests, IVs, exercise equipment , so many things. Stay tuned for my favorite things I tried in the tech hall, but here’s a sneak peek!

I loved the opportunity to experience new products in person and added quite a few to my suitcase and to my “buy as soon as possible” list.

The VIP lounge:

As media, my friend Giselle and I had the opportunity to gain access to the VIP lounge. We were able to test more of the products in a much shorter order. They also had snacks, drinks, privacy booths and books from various authors, swag for VIP guests.

VIPs also had the option to purchase a VIP dinner with Dave, and I say based on the quality of the regular conference food, if you can do it, do it.

Dave Asprey himself:

When you’ve been following someone online for so long, it’s hard to know if their online persona matches their real life energy and personality.

Photo courtesy of the 10th Annual Biohacking Conference

With Dave, what you see is what you get. It has an incredible atmosphere and energy. he is the real deal. Although I didn’t get to meet him in person, I was amazed by all his conversations. He’s obviously very smart and has an inspiring healing story, and he’s generous with his knowledge, what he’s doing now, and what he’s learned along the way.

He has some exciting things coming next year, and I’m excited to spread the word about his new book and Workshop upgrade, which enables you to track over 100 different biomarkers and receive real-time advice to improve your health and well-being. The app also syncs with the Oura ring, Whoop or Apple Watch. (I’ll do a full review after I try it!)

Is the Biohacking Conference worth it?

100000% yes.

I’m already looking forward to next year’s conference! He will be in Austin next May. I’m asking for a discount code, so if it’s approved, I’ll post it here for you — I’d love to see you there next year 🙂

So tell me friends: does this sound like something you’d like to attend? What is your favorite event (work or personal) that you look forward to every year?

ho ho


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