Not because it’s the end or answer to weight loss, but because I hate eating breakfast first thing in the morning and I honestly feel so much better!
So what’s the deal? Intermittent fasting (I’ll call it IF for short) is basically going a set amount of time without food. This can be very simple, like eating dinner at a certain time, then not eating anything from then until a later morning.
IF basically gives your body a break from having to process food all the freaking time. It allows your body to use some of the energy already stored from what you’ve eaten throughout the day (and – bonus – that means burning fat!). I mean, think about it. If you never give your body a chance to process what you’ve already eaten, doesn’t it make sense to have a hangover that can cause you to gain weight and feel sluggish? That’s why IF is so awesome.
Plus, I mean, not having to prepare food as soon as you wake up is pretty cool! That’s extra time to squeeze in your LSF app workout, read a book, or do whatever else makes you happy!
There are a few different ways to do IF. The method I mentioned above is one way to do it, but there are some other routes you can try to find what works best for your body and lifestyle! Here’s a look at some of the more common ways to try IF:
Overnight/time-limited fasting: This is the type of IF I mentioned above, where you stop eating for a certain number of hours each day. It’s easier to do it overnight, obvi. Some people just do twelve hours, but you can get the most benefit by doing 14 to 16 hours between your last meal of the night and your next meal the next day. Most people say this is the easiest way to do IF.
Method 5:2: If you’re really ready to try this IF thing, the 5:2 fast could be for you. For 5 days, eat completely normally (but still healthy, of course!). Then for the remaining 2 days, eat only 500 calories to give your body a break to detox and use up all your stored energy. This is really effective for weight loss IF you still eat a healthy, balanced diet on your 5 regular days.
24 hour fasts: Alternatively, if you want to go all out, you can try 24-hour fasts once a week. This almost means fasting from dinner to dinner, breakfast to breakfast, or lunch to lunch. Basically, you just want to go 24 hours without eating. This is HARD, but people swear it makes them feel more balanced and energized.
- Skipping a meal: Does a whole day without food sound impossible? Understood! A great way to try IF without feeling like you’re going to starve is to try skipping meals. Basically, this is just skipping a meal when it’s convenient. Don’t feel like cooking dinner tonight? Perfect! Give your body a break and you can jump back on the food wagon tomorrow at breakfast.
Are you ready? You should be! Seriously, intermittent fasting has been a game changer for me and I’m excited to get started on it! Check out my vlog to see how we use IF in LSF.