Facial Lifting Massage Techniques from Aesthetic

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Facial Lifting Massage Techniques From Aesthetic

As a spa professional, it’s important to stay at the forefront of skin care techniques that satisfy your clients’ desires for non-invasive treatments to improve the signs of aging. In your practice, incorporating a rejuvenating, lifting facial massage can set you apart, offering clients a natural way to achieve a lifted and sculpted look without downtime or irritation. Throughout this article, we’ll go over some of the basics of performing a facelift massage, some involving specific Hungarian massage techniques. These techniques combine precise movements and strokes designed to rejuvenate and lift the skin, providing clients with a luxurious experience that combines relaxation with tangible aesthetic benefits.

If you are an official Spa partner with Eminence Organic Skin Careyou can contact your local Eminence Organics instructor to train you how to perform these massage techniques. If you are not an official Spa partner, please contact us at 1-888-747-6342 to discuss partnering with us and experience our award-winning training for spa professionals.

How does facelift massage differ from traditional massage?

The face lifting massage stands out for its ability to visibly reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines, rejuvenating the appearance of the skin. Unlike traditional massages that focus primarily on relaxation, a facelift massage uses targeted strokes and a strategic combination of upward strokes and pressure point techniques, aimed at sculpting, toning and tightening the skin’s appearance.

This approach uses more intensive methods than standard facial massages, including the incorporation of enhanced pressure into techniques such as rubbing, rolling, and kneading. These intensive actions, particularly through friction, stimulate specific areas of the nervous system, leading to vasodilation or widening of blood vessels. It also triggers the release of histamine, causing a short-term inflammatory response that increases blood flow. This increased circulation brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the skin, along with repair cells, encouraging tissue regeneration.

Before exploring the three facelift massage techniques, I want to recap the effleurage and petrissage massage techniques, which are the basis for more advanced facelift massage techniques.

Guide to Facial Lifting Massage Plus Hungarian Influenced Massage

3 Fundamental Techniques


Characterized by its soft, gliding strokes, Effleurage serves as an essential warm-up to any facial massage. This technique involves long, smooth strokes using the palms, thumbs or fingertips to gently stimulate the skin and muscles. The main benefits of effleurage include relaxing muscles, improving blood circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage, which prepares the face for deeper work and more intensive handling.


Petrissage involves deeper kneading and rolling motions and focuses on releasing muscle tension, which is vital in addressing skin laxity. This technique uses pressure to compress and release the underlying muscles, increasing circulation and muscle tone. In facelift massages, petrissage targets specific areas that need lifting, such as the jawline, cheekbones and forehead. This focused approach helps to tone the underlying facial muscles, leading to a more defined and youthful facial structure.


Tapotement, also known as percussion, involves rhythmic tapping or tapping movements using the fingertips, fingertips, or cupped hands. This technique stimulates the skin and muscles, enhancing blood flow and nerve response. Tapotement is particularly effective for toning the facial muscles, promoting a firm and lifted appearance. It is often used towards the end of a facial massage to invigorate the skin and provide a rejuvenating effect.

These classic moves aren’t just the starting point for beginners. they are the foundation upon which more advanced facelift techniques are built. Next, let’s look at the advanced face lifting massage movements and their benefits.

3 Face Lifting Massage Techniques

The facelift massage incorporates specific movements based on the fundamental techniques of effleurage and petrissage. These advanced moves include:

Lymphatic drainage of the jaw & collagen strengthening

This jaw technique focuses on tightening, toning and activating the skin and muscles along the jaw, which tend to lose elasticity over time. The massage involves friction to stimulate the face’s collagen production and relaxes key facial muscles, including the risorius, masseter, platus, and depressor. Use your thumb in a three-step motion, starting at the center of the chin, moving along the jawline and then toward the ear. This is done while coordinating with the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand for each.

Line Filler Technique

For the “Line filler” technique, you’ll use friction to trigger a beneficial inflammatory response, flooding the area with reparative fibroblasts to help repair collagen and quickly smooth fine lines. This technique is also great for reducing the visibility of stretch marks or scars on the body.

Begin by stabilizing the client’s head. Firmly press the padded part of your non-dominant palm to the forehead, focusing on the frontal muscles. While holding the head still, use the pads of your index and middle fingers on your other hand to press into the wrinkles. Create friction in the opposite direction of the lines: use vertical strokes for horizontal lines and horizontal strokes for vertical lines.

Eyebrow lift

This brow lift is designed to wake up the eyes and reduce the signs of aging. Using the index finger and thumb, he manipulates the protractor, eye muscles and corrugator muscles around the eye to lift, redirect and break up collagen adhesions (bad knots) that contribute to aging. Begin by pressing the pads of the index fingers to the sinus point below the eyebrow and the pads of the thumbs to the hairline just above. Then move the thumbs down to meet the index fingers until you can pinch and raise the eyebrows. Finally, roll the pointers outward towards the arch of the brow while moving upwards.

The benefits of these specialized techniques are manifold. They help fight the signs of aging by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improving skin elasticity. The lifting and firming effects of these massages are particularly beneficial for sagging skin, providing a more youthful and radiant appearance.

In addition, the facelift massage promotes better circulation and lymphatic drainage, leading to healthy, glowing skin. Practicing these techniques regularly can also help release muscle tension, providing a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for your clients.

Additional massage tips

Preparation is key

Always start a massage by cleansing the client’s face. Apply a suitable product such as a moisturizer or serum to facilitate smooth movements.

Focus on problem areas

Pay attention to areas prone to sagging or swelling by applying techniques specifically designed to tighten and tone these areas.

Care after the massage

Finish the session by applying a moisturizing or soothing product, ensuring the client’s skin is nourished and relaxed. Remind clients that regular facelift massages can provide many benefits, including improved circulation, reduced swelling, a sculpted appearance, and overall relaxation and stress relief.

By following these steps, you can provide your clients with an effective and relaxing facelift massage experience.

Will you be incorporating a facelift massage into your skill set? Let us know in the comments below! And see how to become an Eminence Organics Spa partner here.

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