Find out what’s in your peel

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Find Out What's In Your Peel

We’ve talked about how chemical peels use unique chemical solutions to achieve your skin’s goals, but what exactly are these “unique chemical solutions”? What is applied to your skin and what does it do?

At About Facial Aestheticswe make your care an educational experience so you have the knowledge to make the best decisions for your skin. Here, we’ll talk about the most common ingredients in ours chemical facial peels in philadelphia and how they improve your skin.

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

Also known as AHAs or α-hydroxy acids, alpha-hydroxy acids are natural, water soluble acids that can be found in things like fruit, sugar cane and milk. AHAs work by breaking down the substance that holds cells togetherwhich increases exfoliation and cell regeneration. The most common alpha-hydroxy acids include:

Beta-Hydroxy Acids

Also known as BHAs or beta-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids are oil-soluble acids that penetrate deeper into your pores than AHAs. These acids they dissolve sebum and increase cell regenerationwhich is great for targeting issues like acne and sun damage. THE the most common beta-hydroxy acids include:

  • Salicylic acid
  • Tropical acid
  • Tretocanic acid
  • Beta hydroxybutanoic acid

Poly-hydroxy acids

Poly-Hydroxy Acids, or PHAs, are chemical exfoliants that have a larger molecular structure than AHAs or BHAs, meaning they are PHA-based chemical facial peels in philadelphia it will take longer to work and will not penetrate as deeply into the skin. This makes PHAs better for those with more sensitive skin, as PHAs will cause less irritation due to this larger molecular structure. Common PHAs include:

  • Gluconolactone
  • Lactobionic acid
  • Galactose

Other compounds

Not every compound falls into the AHA, BHA, or PHA categories. Here are some other compounds included in ours chemical facial peels in philadelphia and how they affect your skin.

Trichloroacetic acids

Peels containing this acid are also known as TCA peelingand was considered the “workhorse” of chemical peels. This is because they cause protein coagulation and cell denaturation in the epidermis and dermis. This peel penetrates deep into the skin, coagulating the proteins until no product remains. This is great for moderate to severe texture issues like wrinkles, scars and more.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks for all proteins— not just the proteins in our skin. They act as nutrients that help our skin cells heal wounds, retain water, protect against sun damage, and maintain our skin’s microbiome.


Glutathione is an antioxidant responsible for detoxifying foreign chemicals or compounds. This helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and pigmentation concerns.


Resorcinol is a keratolytic compound used to treat scaly or hard skin. It does this by breaking down the outermost layer of skin, which helps the skin lock in moisture. This compound also helps improve hydration and water retention.

Feel confident in your skin

With our chemical peels at About Face, it’s easy to feel confident about your skin. Schedule a consultation with one of them our expertsor try our virtual consultation tool today and take the first step towards your renewed and rejuvenated skin.

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