Share a recipe for homemade sea salt hair spray that you can make inexpensively (with better ingredients) and also add as a gift or stocking stuffer.
Hello friends! How’s the week going so far? I hope you have a great summer!
For today’s post, I wanted to share a super fun and easy beauty DIY: sea salt hair spray! You guys may be familiar with sea salt spray as it’s a great way to add beachy waves and texture to your hair. It can be used on wet or dry hair and makes you feel like you spent your day at the beach. Store-bought sea salt sprays can cost a fortune (about $40 per bottle), so making your own is an easy way to save money. Also, you can adjust the ingredients according to your hair type and preferences!
Today, I’m sharing a DIY recipe for sea salt spray that you can make at home. Pin it for the next time you’re looking for a quick and easy hair DIY.
Homemade sea salt hair spray
What does sea salt hair spray do for hair?
My #1 favorite use for sea salt spray is to create natural waves and add beachy texture. It also helps absorb excess oil. It enhances waves and curls and creates volume if your hair is feeling a little blah or needs a boost. You can also add some nutrients like argan oil and coconut oil for hair health.
What you will need:
1 tablespoon sea salt (Redmond’s real salt is my favorite), or Epsom salt in a pinch
2 teaspoons Argan oil (you can also use coconut oil or any of your favorite natural oils)
10 oz warm or hot water
Optional: 4-6 drops essential oil. I used lavender, but you can also use any hair-friendly oils like rosemary, rose, lemon, or tea tree. I order all of our essential oils from Thrive Market and also love NOW Food (you can use FITNESSISTA with a 20% discount).
How to make your own sea salt spray
Step 1
Add the sea salt to a bowl and pour the hot water over it. Whisk to dissolve the sea salt completely.
Step 2
Add the argan oil and essential oil and continue whisking until completely dissolved.
Step 3
Use a measuring cup to carefully pour the mixture into your glass spray bottle.
Step 4
Shake it well and add a few sprays to dry or slightly damp hair as you *rub* for extra texture and volume. Store in the cupboard for up to 3 months.
How to use sea salt hair spray
You can use sea salt spray on wet, fresh or dry hair. I prefer to use it on dry hair that hasn’t been washed in a few days for extra volume and longevity. If you use it on wet hair, don’t blow dry afterwards. just rub and let it air dry. The great thing about it is that you don’t need any extra tools and it’s pretty foolproof. Just spray, fry and enjoy. If you add essential oil, it can also give some lovely natural aroma.
Does sea salt spray damage hair?
Like anything else, I think moderation is extremely important. Salt sprays can be a bit drying so I would only use them 2-3 times a week. The good news about this spray is that the argan oil can help nourish and hydrate the hair, so it’s not as dry.
Some tips to avoid damage:
– Relax with your heating tools and hair. Don’t over use blow dryers/straighteners/curling rods etc.
– Add a teaspoon of aloe vera gel to lock in moisture
– Use a heat protectant when using heating tools, like this.
– Do not over-wash your hair. Shampoo can also be very drying as it strips the hair of its moisturizing oil. I only wash my hair about 2 times a week and rarely blow dry it. My hair care tips are in this post!
Overall, this is a super easy hack that you can do at home on the cheap. If you try it, please report back! If you don’t have time to do it soon, pin this post for a rainy day.
So tell me, friends: have you ever used sea salt spray? What’s your #1 hair must-have? This is mine; I can’t live without it.
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