Sharing some tips on how I have improved my eyesight over the last two years. This is just my personal experience and I’m not a doctor. Always check with you a doctor before changing anything in your routine. The eyes are important that you don’t want to lose, mm k?
Hi friends! I hope you have a wonderful morning and thank you for all your enthusiasm Healing code. I have kept so many strategic calls and I can’t wait to connect with all of you. You can see the details and Close your free strategy call here.
Today’s post is a popular request by the reader and one that I thought about doing for about a year, but it was in the fence. I hesitate because I’m not a doctor, it’s definitely not a doctor, but I had to learn a lot about my eyes over the last two years that no one could really help me with my eye problems. Eventually I found an incredible specialist eyebrow, but it also had to get things in my hands. Other doctors were completely stuck and wanted to depend on the Steriod drops that increased my eye pressure. I learned a lot and I like to share everything I have learned with you, but please do not accept it as medical advice of any kind. You always get to your doctor before changing anything in your routine.
Okay, so the story of my eyes. Two years ago, I changed a lot with my routine and eye care. (I will share some of these things below.) In the past year, I also noticed that my glasses felt very loud for me. They started to bother me and felt like magnificent glasses, especially when I was driving. I was due to my annual doctor’s appointment and went to a new office because the last RX appointment was a disaster (gave me contacts and ended up being allergic to contacts or the solution, and when I returned to the office, it acted as if it were my own mistake.
He was examining my eyes and told me that for the first time in my life, my recipe had diminished. I was a -5.25 from 6th grade, and now my RX was below -5.0. This was a huge victory, and it was pumping me !!
I have continued and recently decided to order a pair of prescription vivarays after doing a tone of research on blue light glasses. I wanted to find a company that did it right and Lively It’s this company. (Kindly created a discount code, fitnessistaAnd I will definitely publish a complete revision!) My glasses had begun to have this magnifying glass again, so I went for a recipe review because I didn’t want to order new glasses if it had changed.
I told the eye doctor (the same guy – it’s excellent) that my glasses felt very loud while reading. I began to take out my glasses to read and I was also bothered when I was on my computer for a long time. Check out the reading vision, holding a brochure about 2 feet in front of me and my reading recipe was -2.50 -half of my current recipe !! He wrote to me a new recipe I can use while doing things around the house, reading and working on the computer.
I shared the good news Instagram and flooded with requests to write this post. The reality is that I have done a lot of things and I feel like it is a mixture of all these strategies. Not just one.
How did I naturally improve my eyesight
But, here are the things I think they helped most:
– Eye cleaning and health. This is gross but that leads to the eye epic, I never really clean my eyelids. I used a little face washing on them and I was sure that the makeup was mostly away, but that was. Now, my eyelids are clear every night and in the morning when I wake up.
My current routine:
AM: Wake up and use a Cornea Eye mask for 15-20 minutes while in bed.
Two drops Refresh Mega Conservative (I hate the ingredients and disposable plastic but it works the best. I can’t wait Ophthalmic‘New fall to get out)
Clean the eyelids with Cliradex Wipe (I use 1/4 wipe each morning)
PM: Clean the face with Fresh cleanser And I do the rest of my skin care routine
Clean the eyelids with Oasis Lid and Lash (I use half wipe every night)
One drop Refresh Mega Conservative
– Cleaning pests. At the beginning of my big flame, I had horrible blepharitis, which is a over -development of Demodex mites in the eyelids, lashes and lid margins. They live in and create biofilm – they are bacterial machinery !! – And cleaning the pests put the nail on the coffin for them.
My eyes are not stormy, red or goopy at all – at one point, they were red, gross and inflammatory for about 10 weeks. This happens when my vision was in the absolute worse, and I really believe that the cleaning of pests besides Hygeine eyelash made a huge difference. I have a freebie all about cleaning the pests here.
– To take my dry eyes under control. My eyes rarely bother me because I use warm compression in the morning, falls twice a day, my eyelids are clean and moisturizing with electrolytes all day. Dry eyes can worse the vision perfectly.
– Nervous system regulation. Stress is inflammatory and affects all the main processes in our body. I have worked on cortisol standards and nervous regulation for years, but in the end I am in the place where I feel calmer and balanced, even in the total chaos (mostly). I treat sleep like my job, I meditate Mat pemf, Newspaper, enjoy a hobby when I can, time with friends/family, nature etc.
– This book. This is recommended by Roudy (who founded Lively) at the summit to reintegrate health and I lowered it immediately. It’s full of useful strategies and tips, but the biggest takeaway is that The less you depend on your glasses, the less you need them with time.
I realized that I had started doing it when I couldn’t wear my contacts for many weeks. I didn’t like to wear my glasses for workouts, so I missed them. In hot yoga, everyone around me was a giant blur. Eventually there were vague people, and then I could finally see details, such as patterns or logos in their clothes.
While you can’t cut your glasses for driving, you can cut them off absolutely for other things without atrial security, even if you start with meditation. He also talks about trauma and personal experiences behind the need for glasses, relaxing your body enough to be able to see fully and include exercises and practices. You also have to really believe that you can improve your vision.
He says that we will never accept the fact that any other part of our body is meant to worsen over time. Why are the eyes different? Eyes have the ability to heal and improve as well.
While taking training classes or I’m at home and I don’t feel like I need my glasses, I detach them. At first it was extremely uncomfortable, but over time, my vision has gotten much better.
– Eliminate toxicity and restoration of deficiencies. My complement and nutrition habits have changed and I think it has made a huge difference with my eyes. Some of my eyes supplements are Vitamin Ca Solid polyprivamine; Omega 3s. I also eat sardines sometimes every week and salmon at least once a week, except for many vegetables, healthy fats, leafy greens and fresh fruit.
I think these are the biggest! If you have any questions we will be happy to answer the comments.
Has anyone else successfully improved his vision ??? Please share your story in the comments!
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