How to eat for your menstrual cycle

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How To Eat For Your Menstrual Cycle

Share tips on how to eat for your menstrual cycle and how to change your diet during the month!

Hello friends! How’s the week going so far? Things have been nonstop lately and today is triple 1:1 dating and preparation for Total body reset. If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t miss out!

For today’s post, I wanted to share a post from A all for how to change your diet during your cycle; She asked me if I would be interested in a design for my personal use and I knew right away that it would make an awesome blog topic. I shared a post here about how to change your workouts during the month and a podcast here about how productivity changes during your cycle.

Here are several tips on how to fuel your body as your hormone levels change during the 28 days of your menstrual cycle!

How to eat for your menstrual cycle

Week 1 Low estrogen

Choose to eat low carb during the week of your period.

*Remember, day 1 of your period is the first day of blood flow.

Follicular Phase– On follicular phase days when you have your period, aim to focus on anti-inflammatory foods such as oily fish such as salmon and sardines, or take a high-quality vitamin E capsule to help balance inflammation from oils and seeds. More inflammation is common during this phase of the menstrual cycle as you shed the lining of the uterus, and anti-inflammatory foods can help greatly. Also, look for iron-rich foods such as red/dark meat, legumes and lentils. Try to pair them with vitamin C-rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetables for maximum absorption and bioavailability. Be sure to include plenty of magnesium-rich sources, such as dark chocolate, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.

Note from Gina: I wore a CGM the week I started my cycle and was shocked to see how high my blood glucose levels were during that 5 day period. I had to eat less carbs to stay in a healthy zone and I felt so much better. I will definitely do it in the future.

During days 1-10:

You may see higher than average blood sugar levels and decreased insulin sensitivity on the first day of your period, so be sure to keep carbs lower

Fasting is easier and more appropriate during this period.

This can be a time when you finish your last meal of the day by 4pm and don’t eat until you’re hungry the next day.

Advanced fasting such as 24-hour fasts can be used during this time for people with metabolic flexibility when supervised.

Meal Ideas:

– Salmon in salads with pumpkin seeds

– Fish pies with sautéed cabbage and bacon

– Steak with broccolini and lemon

– Almonds with dark chocolate

– Pumpkin seeds covered in dark chocolate

– Greek yogurt, berries and almonds

– Eggs, sautéed greens, grapefruit

Week 2 Estrogen Peaks

Add healthy carbs

Estrogen increases just before ovulation (when your ovaries release an egg) towards the middle of the menstrual cycle, around day 14. If you exercise, be aware that this can cause tendons and ligaments to loosen, which can lead to harm. Estrogen crosses the blood-brain barrier and increases serotonin levels, which can cause mood swings and lead to feelings of lethargy and decreased motivation. So, if you’re not up for your usual workouts and have a case of the blahs, you might consider gentle activities like yoga and long walks. Always listen to your body! During this phase of your cycle, progesterone and estrogen are high and then fall, eventually causing bleeding. Since the higher estrogen phase lends more free fatty acids during activity, women may find that during this phase HIIT can feel challenging, as glycogen stores are harder to access and use.

On days 11-14:

Eat protein-rich foods that help balance estrogen and reduce physical and mental inactivity

Protein can help repair tissue and speed muscle recovery and soreness

Collagen powder can help enhance muscle recovery and support connective tissue, hair and skin.

You may experience higher blood sugar spikes during this time, as well as some insulin resistance during ovulation

Try to avoid processed foods and instead focus on healthy fats and fiber that help detoxify estrogen (cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, broccoli sprouts, Brussels sprouts, etc.)

It is better not to fast. If you must fast, maintain a 13-15 hour fast.

Eat balanced macro-meals during this time by enjoying carbohydrates such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, rice and legumes.

Week 3 Estrogen levels are elevated and progesterone peaks

Uterine Phase– During the luteal phase, hydration is important due to high hormones. Although you notice a decrease in thirst and an increase in body temperature, it is important to drink plenty of water during this time to avoid dehydration. Progesterone increases sodium excretion, so make sure you salt your food. During this phase you may notice an increase in swelling, which is due to water moving from the bloodstream into the cells, which reduces blood volume.

On days 15 – 20:

Continue to consume healthy carbohydrates

Electrolytes, LMNTs and metals

Baked potatoes with salt

Roasted Vegetables Chipotle Bowl

Mexican food

Week 4- Estrogen drops and progesterone peaks

On days 21-28:

– It is not a good time to fast

– Normal blood sugar levels

– Enjoy carbohydrates

Insulin sensitivity is normalized

Adequate protein is helpful

Progesterone increases your metabolic rate as it is a “hot hormone”

Appetite may also increase

In the 2-3 days before your period, stick to lower carb options, then you may experience some higher blood sugar levels. Things like avocado, bacon, red meat, eggs and non-starchy vegetables are great for fighting higher blood sugar levels.

Vitamin E is anti-inflammatory and can help with any PMS symptoms as you approach your period.

Adding transdermal magnesium, magnesium glycinate, or magnesium flakes to a foot soak or bath can help with PMS symptoms.

So tell me, friends: do you change your diet throughout your cycle?

If you’re looking for a reset on your health and nutrition habits, especially as we head into summer, join us for our Total Body Reset! All the details are here. We’d love to see you on the team, especially if you’re looking for higher energy and happy, balanced hormones.

ho ho



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