How to eat pizza and still have abs

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How To Eat Pizza And Still Have Abs

A quick note on food scams

But first I have to say that people ask me about healthy cheaters all the time and I hate to call them that! When you think of the way you eat as “cheating,” you’re setting yourself up for a weird relationship with food. Plus, if you feel like you’ll get a single meal or one day in a blue moon, you willsuperbe tempted to overdo it and just overdo it because you feel like you’ll never be able to eat those foods again. And then you stress about it. Was anyone else there?

Instead, I think of cheats as treats. And if I want a treat, I have it!! I just keep it in moderation and make sure to balance it out with a little extra training time and more healthy eating around it.

That being said, I totally get that sometimes you need some healthy cheats for when you’re out with friends and everyone wants to eat at some crazy restaurant, but you’re trying to stick to your nutritional goals. There is food temptation everywhere, right??

Healthy Cheats for when you go out.

Well, I’ll give you some healthy cheats. But if you think of them more as healthy hacks to help you give your body the right things. I think you’ll feel a lot better about the way you eat overall.

If you’re out with friends, have a girls’ night out or a date and want to stick to your healthy habits – these are the tips and tricks I live by:

Go prepared. I usually eat at home before I go out, even if I go out for dinner. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s really easy to make bad food choices when you’re hungry. If you don’t want to eat beforehand or just don’t have time, stash a healthy snack with you so you have a backup if the options while out are poor. A bag of mixed nuts is a very easy snack to keep on hand.

Watch out for the sugar! Seriously, you guys, it’s everywhere. Did you know that a standard mocha from Starbucks has over 30 grams of sugar? And even random foods you wouldn’t normally think of—like salad dressings and pasta sauces—can have a ton of sugar. When browsing the menu, make sure you know all the ingredients used before ordering your meal. For example, if you want to order a salad – stick to a balsamic or olive oil dressing so you know what you’re putting on those greens. The LSF Sugar Detox Guide is your best resource for learning how to stop these kinds of cravings and how to substitute equally delicious and healthy foods.

Keep it simple.As a general rule, it is good to know what will be in your food. The more plant-based and simply prepared the meal, the better off you are.

Explore the menu.No need to order from the walk-in section. Don’t be afraid to customize your meal or ask questions about the food dishes. Many restaurants have some amazing vegetable-based sides. Pair it with a soup or this grilled chicken breast and you have a great dinner that will leave you feeling great!

Eat more slowly. Eat slowly when eating out. Seriously babies, it’s amazing how quickly we can erase a scarf without even realizing it. So, put your fork down often. Pause and engage in conversation for a few minutes before starting to eat again. Restaurant portions can behugeand if you don’t eat slowly, your body doesn’t get a chance to tell you it’s too much until it’s too late.

Don’t drink your calories. It’s honestly crazy how many calories and how much sugar the majority of cocktails contain. Don’t destroy your #goal with what you drink! Stick to clear liquids and spirits. A little lime and lemon or a dash of bitters can dress up your drink so you can enjoy it without a lot of hidden calories!

Just remember babies, making smart and thoughtful meal choices comes with practice. So when you eat out, remember these healthy hacks and know that you always have a choice about what you put in your body. I mean, honestly, childrenRyan and I ate fast food for a whole day and it was a little hard but we totally did it while eating healthy! And I know you can too!

If you needed a little more help, check out my tips to help you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way!

Healthy Hack Pizza Recipe

Want a night in? Invite all your girls over for a very tasty and super healthy pizza! You work hard all week and you deserve to have fun! So Watch this video about how I keep my abs while still enjoying a pizza. See how I did it and try it yourself with the recipe below.

What healthy hacks do you use? Let me know in the comments because I’ve traveled a lot and would love more ways to eat healthy while on the road and traveling abroad!

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