How to make your skincare routine greener

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How To Make Your Skincare Routine Greener

How to make your skincare routine greener

More and more, we are actively looking for ways to reduce our individual impact on the environment. Our efforts include the beauty products we use. Check out tips for a more eco-friendly skin care routine, as well as information on the all-too-common practice of green washing.

What is greenwashing?

Greenwashing is the general term that describes brands that make misleading claims or refer to a “green” product benefit. Greenwashing claims make a product seem like a “healthy” alternative or an environmentally conscious choice when it is not. In addition to being unethical, greenwashing causes confusion and mistrust. It happens in many industries, not just the beauty industry. Many major brands have been called out for greenwashing, including L’Oréal and Head & Shoulders. If you’re looking to make your skincare routine more eco-friendly, do some research on products before you buy them.

How to avoid greenwashing in skin care

Want to avoid greenwashing? Consider all the ingredients in a skin care product just as much as those left out. In the past decade, there has been a shift in green consumers looking for labels that are healthy and “toxin-free.” The words ‘vegan’ and ‘sustainable’, ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ have also been popping up left right and centre. We have also seen “paraben free” “sulfate free” etc. smeared everywhere. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t nasty ingredients lurking inside. Brands are trying to keep up with the “green” trend, but they’re not necessarily doing it the right way. They are investing in smarter marketing, but not necessarily improving the health benefits of their products. This is why it helps to educate yourself and do some research before you buy.

Cosmetic Industry Labeling Challenges

Greenwashing is not a simple, straightforward issue. Truly ethical and environmentally friendly brands in Australia face many challenges including:

  • The lack of consistent and coherent natural/organic regulatory authority/certification in Australia.
  • The lack of ethical cosmetic labeling practices. This results in companies masking themselves with packaging that does not ethically reflect their content.
  • The need for more transparent information and education about “bad” and “bad” chemicals should be noticed by people.
  • Education about “natural” ingredients to avoid because they are known skin irritants or otherwise harmful.
  • Education on what to use and avoid for baby skin which has a different pH level than adult skin.

Why choose a more eco-friendly skincare routine

Studies by the Environmental Working Group show that the average person is regularly exposed to ingredients that are either synthetic, toxic, known skin irritants or carcinogens that can disrupt our hormonal balance. Our skin acts as a barrier but also has pores that absorb. Studies have found it difficult to prove exactly what is absorbed and what impact this has on the body. It is worth noting that a product can be labeled as “organic” with minimal organic ingredients. And there may be some synthetic ingredients too! Many companies still get away with the “natural ingredients” claim by including 1% natural essential oils! It’s disappointing for brands that put effort into developing serums and products with quality, natural and planet-friendly ingredients.

How to Avoid Greenwashing in the Skin Care Industry

Here are some tips to help you figure out how to make your skincare routine more eco-friendly:

  • Do your further research. It may include contacting the brand directly to ask:

    • Which ACTIVE ingredients does the product contain?
    • For proof of certification, if that’s what it claims.
    • Exactly WHICH ingredients are natural/organic and in what concentrations?
    • Find brands that are making efforts to minimize waste in every aspect of their business.
  • Become an ingredient warrior

    • Are there known carcinogens, toxic ingredients, hormone disruptors, synthetic ingredients?
    • Be wary of fancy ‘branded’ names such as (hypothetical example here) ‘State of the art – SkinPlump Extract 510’.
    • Less is more. Choose versatile, multi-purpose and effective products. For example, Botani’s Vegan Certified Olive Skin Serum is a natural moisturizer, serum, moisturizer and natural makeup primer.
    • Enter the dehydrated beauty! Botani’s serums, healing lip balm and olive repair balm are water-free. This means there are more active ingredients €¦ and they are cold pressed, using less heat and therefore saving energy.
  • Terms to look out for on labels

    • Dermatologically tested is a good sign, but not the only one to look for.
    • References to “individual” ingredients may mean that they are trying to sway you away from the benefits of an ingredient.
    • With “vegan” ingredients, that doesn’t mean the entire product is vegan.
    • Look for brands that make a “whole” claim such as “100% plant-based” rather than just a pessimistic blanket “organic” claim.
    • Look for brands with trusted “certifications” through a third party organization. They have put in the effort to get certified.

Botani’s care promise

Greenwashing has never happened and will never happen in Botanis. We never pretend to be something we are not. We pride ourselves on sourcing our ingredients so meticulously. We use a blend of natural, wild-crafted and certified organic ingredients. Being honest is part of our ethos. We take this very seriously as it guides our products, innovation and daily practices. Each of our products is naturally and holistically formulated through our green chemistry methodology so that:

  • The ingredients work synergistically. They do not contradict each other and render the other ineffective.
  • There is the right mixture of oil and water to provide a balanced texture. non-greasy but long-lasting hydration.
  • The right blend of herbs combine to treat skin conditions and perform important functions at the cellular level.
  • The product is subject to rigorous efficacy testing, by humans, not animals and no humans.
  • No known skin irritants.
  • There are and will never be synthetic, man-made, chemical or harmful ingredients in ANY Botani product.

Note: We are not a certified organic skincare brand and we do not claim to be. However, we use certified organic ingredients in many of our products and our dehydrated products are organic. Make Botani the center of your skincare routine and you’ll have a greener beauty cabinet. Shop our range of premium skin care products with concentrated ingredients today.

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