How to take care of your nails after a gel manicure or pedicure

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How To Take Care Of Your Nails After A Gel

How to care for your nails after a gel manicure or pedicure

Something crossed your mind before you went for a gel manicure or pedicure. First, you need beautiful nails that can put a smile on your face more when you are in public. Well, the How to care for your nails after a gel manicure or pedicure guide is here.

Second, you need a stronger nail that protects against germs. And, maybe you went the extra mile to research other health benefits of manicures and pedicures, such as body relaxation, increased blood flow, and the ability to keep nails smooth and soft. But getting your nails done or a pedicure was just the beginning.

The big elephant is in aftercare. You see, after spending a pretty penny on your nails, you won’t like to see them fade, chip or crack before the expected stay period. Hence, you will try to fight tooth and nail to keep your gems protected under any circumstances. So what next?

Let the nails dry

There can never be anything worthwhile on Earth than meticulously crafted nails. They shine with terrible beauty. It’s even true that waiting up to three hours for nails to dry can be painful. Just be patient and let them dry before you leave. Proper drying is the cornerstone of any subsequent nail care.

Dry your hands thoroughly after any washing

A favorite mark or color on your hand does not mean the end of life. Life must go on beyond the manicure or pedicure. You will need to wash, mop and shower. In fact, on a daily basis, there is a 100% chance that you dip your nails in water.

After any chore that requires contact with water, use a towel to remove any water from your nails and allow them to dry. This will extend the life of the gel. It is also advisable to wear gloves over the nails.

Use skin cream

To avoid dry, cracked, peeling or bacteria-infected nails, you will need to massage them with a cuticle cream. The cream keeps your nails hydrated and healthy every time. You can also apply a top coat on a daily basis to prevent cracking.

Maintaining a good diet

Proteins and genes play a huge role in the health of your nails. They draw a line between fragile nails and stronger ones. To keep your nails stronger, always supply your body with food rich in protein and biotin. If you eat meat, then eat lean poultry, beef, pork and fish, as well as other vegetables that are rich in protein. On the other hand, keeping your nails and cuticles hydrated will require you to drink a lot of water every day.

Wear open shoes

For 10 to 12 hours after the pedicure, avoid closed-toe shoes to avoid smudging. After this time, you are free to wear any type of shoes.

Final thoughts

Not many things are as sophisticated as freshly manicured or pedicured nails. Getting your nails done can mean a change in the way you normally do things. Over time you will realize the need to avoid certain types of soaps, metal files, and even the pool. You may also be asked to exercise even in a limited time. All in all, it’s a carefree experience to get your nails done and properly maintained.

If you like this article, please visit my other nail care blog article on how to strengthen your nails.

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