looking back on the year and my goals for 2024

by dailyinsightbrew.com
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Looking Back On The Year And My Goals For 2024

I am sharing a review of 2023 and my goals for 2024.

Since it’s a bright and shiny new year, I always take this opportunity to look back, see what I’ve accomplished and set my intentions for the year ahead. If you have your goals for 2024, I’d love to hear them in the comments. Also, if you are looking for support for January, sign up for our 21 day challenge here!

When I look back at 2023, it’s easy for me to see all the things I struggled with and all the things I meant to do but didn’t. 2023 was filled with some great highs and some challenging lows. After the 2020-2021 timeframe, I really learned to sit back and enjoy the good parts because there are always dips and I try to remember that everything is temporary.

looking back on the year and my goals for 2024

Travel and personal:

Traveling was a huge highlight this year. It’s been my dream for so long to take the girls to Italy and we finally made it!! We had an incredible Disney Mediterranean cruise to Italy and Greece and introduced the girls to my favorite place in the world (Positano). I ate chocolate croissants every day (in addition to so much Italian food and wine), played in the ocean in Mykonos with the girls, and shopped and explored to our heart’s content.

Recap of RomeRecap of Rome

The good news is that they are fully on board the Europe train and are already asking when we can come back.

We also went to Disneyland for Dance the Magic, a Disney Baja Cruise to Mexico, San Diego a few times and enjoyed stays at Miraval Tucson, Mount Lemmon, Great Wolf Lodge and Fairmont Scottsdale. We also saw Taylor Swift – Liv’s all-time fave.

I started singing again with the Tucson Symphony and it has freed my soul. After a two year hiatus, it feels so good to be back. Our director is beyond amazing, and it’s something I look forward to every week.

I feel blessed for another year with our friendship tribe. friends in Tucson who have truly become like family. We get together for family dinners, travel together, and whenever we talk about moving, we decide we can’t because we love our friends here too much (and we’d miss our Tucson family!).

This has been a bit of a wild year with the lovely eye saga, but I’m so thankful it’s under control *knock wood.* At this point, I was so scared and devastated about it – I could never imagine hiking outside or doing hot yoga again – and now I know, it was an opportunity to learn A LOT about eye care and gut health. I will share an update on all of this soon and what the current routine looks like.

Professional Summary:

This little blog and podcast has had a good year. After a few years of lower traffic, our SEO efforts (and our SEO team working hard behind the scenes) have finally started to increase blog traffic. The podcast reached 500,000 downloads, which is a huge milestone in the world of podcasts. I tend to be pretty casual with the podcast, so it still blows my mind that it’s in the top 0.5% of podcasts.

In sponsorship, I partnered with a company this year that I admire and love: NOW Food. I am very grateful for their continued partnership and for them to continue working together in 2024. I went to my inbox to check sponsored post opportunities for 2023 and there were over 200 in there, at least 20 of which were huge companies with equally big budgets. These were also about companies and products that don’t align with my values ​​or sell products I don’t use or like.

I still stand by my values ​​here and will never promote a company on the blog that I don’t love and support 100%. I am also grateful for the affiliate partners, including Nutrisense, EquiLife, IHP, Shit, Higher DOSE, organifi, AvironDaily Harvest, Pvolve, and to all of you who shop through my links. It directly supports our family (and helps keep this little blog going) and I really appreciate it.

I told myself I would spend more time Beautycounter this year…I didn’t. I was still working on it behind the scenes (and my incredible VA helped me tremendously) and it was still a major source of income for me, but I definitely feel like I dropped the ball. It’s one of my goals to get involved again this year because the products and company are amazing (and our team too!).

I completed my IHP level two certification and was able to support clients 1:1 in a new way through functional testing and specific protocols. I am excited to expand on this in 2024.

Professional goals:

Refer over 200 friends through us Community detox in January I continue to build my 1:1 coaching practice. If you are interested in joining the detox, I would order your kit today! You can choose 7, 14 or 21 days and use the code FITNESSISTA10 for a 10% discount. If you join please email me gina@fitnessista.com with the subject DETOX so I can invite you to our Facebook group.

Start posting videos to YouTube again. My poor YouTube channel has been neglected for so long, but this year, I want to start posting non-gym content like shopping, fitness/fitness/biohacking product reviews, etc. If you have any requests, please let me know!

Continue to build Fit Team and the platform as a full body wellness center. Fit Team is packed with progressive strength training plans, workout videos, recipes and meal plans. I want to keep adding more to the platform (live videos, expert interviews, hormone guides), crafting programming (it’s one of the things I enjoy the most), and supporting our amazing members.

Keep being consistent with your blog and content creation. I’ll still be here Mon-Fri. – and thanks to your research suggestions, I have so many new year post ideas.

Complete the High Performance Health certification. I always love starting the new year with a new certification on the horizon, so I’m EXCITED to work at HPH and learn biohacking and longevity strategies that I can share with clients and here on the blog.

Health Goals:

Complete the CBO protocol! This is going to be crazy, but I really want to continue my healing journey and know that this is the best next step. I will miss garlic and onions while I can’t have them :(((

Continue with the practices that make me feel better: sauna blanket, PEMF mat, daily walks with Maisey, time for prayer and meditation, 7-9 hours of sleep and meal planning. Time with friends, yoga classes, date nights with the pilot and family time.


Bible in one year. I’ve always wanted to do this and now is the perfect time.

Keep working to be the best mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister that I can be. To lead with love, to be patient (even when I feel like my patience tank is empty) and to show the people I love how much I care for them. To put my phone down more and be present. Planning fun adventures and being supportive and caring to those around me.

So tell me, friends: are you setting goals this year? What is something that made you proud in 2023? What is your career, health and personal goal for 2024?

Wishing you a happy, healthy, joy-filled new year!

ho ho


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