Mandelic Acid 101: My Personal Skin Care Experiment

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Mandelic Acid 101: My Personal Skin Care Experiment

I’m very high right now. I’ve always loved gentle exfoliation, both chemical and physical, and I’m really embracing mild acids these days. After a deep dive into azelaic acid left my skin looking clean, refreshed and glowing, I’m now trying other acids to improve things even more. Next on my list: mandelic acid. It’s been in my routine for four weeks now and I’m already seeing results! Read on to find out why I’m a fan of this gentle yet effective ingredient.

Why am I trying mandelic acid?

I am an Eminence Organic Skin Care employee, which means I get to try all of our products. Since I’m deep in my acid season, I scoured the ingredient lists and found mandelic acid in the Bright Skin Licorice Root Exfoliating Peel, a results-oriented deep-cleansing peel that’s applied to the skin with dual-textured cotton round pads. In addition to mandelic acid, this liquid solution contains licorice root, which promotes skin elasticity and brightens the appearance of skin. It also contains baobab, a fruit rich in antioxidants and sage oil, which is known for its ability to balance the appearance of oily skin. It also contains my other new BFF, azelaic acid, which helps reduce the appearance of redness and pore size, leaving skin looking smooth and refreshed.

Before I share the results of using mandelic acid in my skin care routine, here’s a refresher on what this acid can contribute to your skin care routine.

What is Mandelic Acid? Acids in skin care

A quick refresher on acids. They have been a skin care staple for decades and continue to be a popular choice. They are powerful but can be quite gentle, which makes them a good addition to a routine for many skin types.

There are many options depending on your needs, PHA, BHA and AHA. As it also helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinklesthe acids are also known to help improve the appearance of scars, even out skin tone, and allow the rest of your skin care products to penetrate better for maximum results in your routine.

Mandelic acid is a type of mild alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) found in nature as bitter almond extract. AHAs are chemical exfoliants known to help loosen the top layer of older skin cells and improve the overall appearance of the skin by reducing the visible signs of aging. Some other features of AHAs: they are water soluble, target dullness, dehydration, and leave skin with a smoother texture and smaller pores. Some AHAs are more intense (hello glycolic acid), which is mainly due to their molecule size. The smaller the molecule, the deeper it penetrates the outer layer of the skin. Mandelic acid is larger in molecular size, which means it doesn’t penetrate as deeply as some other acids, so it’s more easily tolerated by sensitive skin types. In other words, it is usually less irritating, which makes it ideal even for people with sensitive skin. Since signs of aging, uneven skin tone, and dehydration are all issues I deal with, mandelic acid seemed like the next logical step in my journey.

The benefits of mandelic acid

Gentle for all skin types

As mentioned, mandelic acid is milder compared to other AHAs, so it is tolerated by even the most sensitive skin. According to Healthlinemandelic acid accelerates cell turnover and acts as a powerful exfoliant to remove dead skin cells. This results in a brighter look to the skin without causing irritation.

Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

AHAs like mandelic acid penetrate the skin to break down cellular bonds and eliminate damaged and older skin cells, bringing fresh, firmer cells to the surface. In the chemical peel process, the almond skin helps to remove damaged and older cells, pushing the “baby” skin cells to the surface, which makes the skin look firmer, firmer and more elastic, while reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and makes the skin look smooth.

Improves the appearance of dark spots

The cell cycle induced by mandelic acids can also help reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin, whether caused by sun damage or acne scars. Another example of out with the old (dead skin) and in with the new.

Treats acne-prone skin

Because of its ability to work on the pores on its own and penetrate better (and slower) than some other acids, mandelic is a great choice for acne and clogged pores for people with sensitive skin. Unlike harsher options that can cause irritation, the gentle yet powerful exfoliation provided by mandelic acid is a game-changer in breaking through the ‘glue’ that keeps dead skin stuck deep in clogged pores, clearing them and leaving you skin looks fresh, clear and clean.

How I added mandelic acid to my routine

As a new addition to my nightly skincare routine, I’ve started using the Bright Skin Licorice Root Exfoliating Peel three times a week as the second step after cleansing my skin with the Mangosteen Resurfacing Daily Cleanser. I dispense two pumps of the clear liquid onto cotton pads and spread it all over my face, neck and chest (the area that has suffered the most sun damage from my early years). I let it dry and that’s it. On those nights, I skip the Facial Recovery Oil, which I use the other four nights of the week as the last step before bed.

After four weeks, I really like what I see. Not only does my skin tone look more even, especially those dark sun spots on my chest, but my skin feels hydrated and refreshed, which isn’t always the case with an exfoliator. I’ve definitely had dryness with harsher exfoliators in the past, but not as much as a flake with this gentle one. I mean I also see a slight reduction in my fine lines, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking. It’s definitely noticeable enough to make me stick with this new routine for a while to see if it continues.

A happy customer named Laura B. left an online review calling the peel a “game changer” and sharing similar results: “I’m a big fan of the Bright Skin collection, which has helped significantly with fading [the look of] sun and age spots… I found my skin tone more even, radiant and more radiant. I also noticed that my pores look smaller and my skin looks more refined. I highly recommend it if you want to give your glow routine an extra boost.”

One thing to note is that because it is an AHA, there is always the risk of photosensitivity. Although it’s low on this gentle acid, you can’t forget to wear sunscreen every day. But you knew that! My favorite these days is the Daily Defense Tinted SPF because it’s lightweight and gives me a natural finish and just a hint of color. It’s also an all-mineral formula and is fortified with antioxidants and blue light protection. What’s not to love?

I am really impressed with this new acid and happy with the results so far. I can’t wait to see what another few months of using it will do!

Interested in adding mandelic acid to your routine? Visit an Eminence Organics Spa partner to find out which products are right for you.

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