Nail care at home – 10 dos and don’ts

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Nail Care At Home 10 Dos And Don'ts

Nail Care at Home – 10 Dos and Don’ts | Nail Magic®

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What are your beauty routines at home? They probably include taking care of your skin, hair, teeth and body. But sometimes nail care at home isn’t a high-priority item, if it even makes the list. The importance of taking care of your hands, nails and towels can be overlooked, but it’s just as important as other beauty regimens, maybe more so.

Our nails are protective barriers for sensitive skin. they are often in or around our face and mouth and take the brunt of the damage as we go about our daily tasks. So, here are the five dos and don’ts for an easy, healthy nail care routine at home

Five Do

        1. Keep your hands and nails clean.
          Our nails are constantly on the “front line”. If we’re gardening, it’s in the soil. If we wash dishes, they are in the water. If we floss, it’s in our mouth. Keeping your hands and nails free of dirt and debris is the first step to easy, at-home nail care. Not only does it help prevent germs hiding under your nails from spreading to places like your eyes, ears, nose and mouth, but dirt, bacteria and germs can all collect under your nails and cause irritation or infections.
        2. Moisturize your hands, nails and cuticles.
          The next step to maintaining healthy, natural nails is a regular moisturizing routine. Just as you moisturize your face and body, your hands, nails, and cuticles need to be moisturized as well. The all-in-one, Thai Essence Hand & Cuticle Oil is an easy and effective way to start a moisturizing regimen. Thai Essence is an organic blend of all-natural ingredients that repairs dry, damaged cuticles and hands. While it replaces moisture in your skin and nails, it also helps improve the health of your towels! Only one drop is needed per skin, as long as it takes to start working. Plus, moisturized skin and nails will help reduce hangnails and keep your hands beautiful!
        3. Strengthen your nails.
          Whether you prefer to grow your nails or keep them short and sweet, it’s important to have quality over quantity. Long nails need a lot of care to prevent them from becoming thin, weak and brittle. Adding a nail strengthener to your routine will help you maintain healthy, natural nails right from home. This Herbal Nail Strengthener contains the Horsetail herb which is rich in the nutrient silicon. Silicon it is essential for the health of your nails! Simply brush this formula onto your nails 2-3 times a week for two weeks. After two weeks, remove the old coat and repeat the process for strong nails that can withstand the wear and tear of your daily tasks.
        4. Cut and file your nails regularly.
          Proper nail clipping and filing helps eliminate ingrown toenails! In addition, good nail care will reduce the chance of bacteria building up and causing irritation. The best time to trim nails is right after your shower or bath when they are soft. There is a correct way to cut your nails which is straight and then slightly curve the edges (toenails are slightly different). I’m watching This video for a simple tutorial.
        5. Clean your tools.
          Disinfecting the clipper and other nail tools at home is often overlooked. However, these tools come into contact with the dirt, bacteria and germs that we deal with every day. Everything we touch ends up on our hands and most often on our fingertips and under our nails. That is why it is very important to disinfect nail clippers, files, tweezers and so on after use. Soaking them in disinfectant and giving them a good rub with isopropyl alcohol is easy enough and will do the job! Learn more from American Academy of Dermatology

Five Min

        1. Don’t bite your nails.
          Easier said than done, we know! Habits are habitual, hard to break. When you’re having a bad day or when you’re bored, it’s easy to fall back into a bad habit. Nail biting is harmful for so many reasons. All the bacteria on your hands, fingers and under your nails are warmly welcomed into your body. The consequences of nail biting are described in it Article of the year it might be more than enough to make you never do it again. Yes!
        2. Do not rip or tear your nails.
          We all know (and dislike) the feeling of a nail pinching something or tearing a little. When it does, we’re tempted to just finish the job by tearing off the rest of the nail. However, your nails will thank you for taking the few moments it takes to find the clipper and file. Nails are the protective barriers for the delicate skin underneath. If you rip your nail, it’s much more likely that you’ll accidentally rip it too close and cause skin irritation. Or, the tearing action will result in a jagged, rough claw that can end up catching something else and causing more damage.
        3. Don’t mess with your cuticles unless you’re moisturizing.
          If you are not taking care of your cuticles with Nail Magic Cuticle Oil, you should leave them alone. Cuticles are the protective barrier between the nail and the skin. If you find yourself picking or chewing cuticles (even just once), you may end up causing infection or irritation in the nail bed. This, in turn, could lead to permanent damage to your nail. One of the easiest ways to avoid this is to moisturize your cuticles regularly with vanilla almond oil. Soft cuticles that are spread out properly are less “annoying” and will give you fewer reasons to bite or pick at them.
        4. Do not expose your hands and nails to your household cleaning routines.
          Jobs that involve harsh cleaners happen every day. Whether it’s washing dishes, scrubbing floors or sanitizing counters, there’s always something to wipe or clean. Just make sure you protect your hands and nails while cleaning with chemicals. Many cleansers can dry out your hands and nails, leaving them brittle and prone to tearing. Even if you use natural cleaning materials, you don’t want to soak your hands and nails in them for too long. When your nails soak in water, they actually expand and can weaken. Additionally, if you wear nail polish, prolonged soaking in liquid can cause your paint to chip. Even if you wear gloves, be sure to moisturize your hands and nails afterwards with Thai Essence Hand & Cuticle Oil.
        5. Do not remove nails.
          This cringe-worthy act can lead to some scary and painful situations. Biting a nail can easily tear the skin attached to your nail bed, leaving you vulnerable to infection and irritation. Use sterile nail clippers to cut the nail, being careful not to cut the living skin under the cuticle. Afterwards, make sure to hydrate! This skin oil works wonders to help repair damage.

Nail care at home is not only important, but very simple. By following the 10 dos and don’ts above, you can have healthy, natural nails you’ll be proud to show off.

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