Pimples and breakouts: What to do?

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Pimples And Breakouts: What To Do?

Regardless of your age, you no doubt remember the days when you struggled with acne, pimples, and breakouts… and maybe you still do. Regardless of which category you fall into, you can probably appreciate the importance of learning and understanding why these spots appear on your skin and what you can do to get rid of them.

So, if you’re currently struggling with pimples or blackheads, we’re here to help you clear up your skin and eliminate acne! Pimples and breakouts may require different approaches, but the end goal remains the same, as does our dedication to your results.

Here in About Facial Aesthetics, we can provide you with answers and solutions to every teenager’s worst enemy! Have you found yourself asking, “How do I get rid of pimples vs breakouts?” This is a very valid question! Many people don’t know the differences between pimples, acne and rashes and that there are different ways to treat each of them.

How to treat pimples

Now, when dealing with pimples, because they are smaller and less invasive, you may want to consider acne treatments such as a gentle face. A facial will cleanse and polish your skin to get rid of all that oil and dead skin that causes pimples.

Here at About Face, we offer a variety of medical grade, prescription strength skin care products to make sure you can take care of your skin in the best possible way every day at home! Please feel free to come into our office to view and discuss the treatment and makeup options available that could help your skin.

How to treat acne breakouts

For the more intense acne breakout concern, we like to take a look at more intense solutions—“intense” meaning more guaranteed results. Breakouts are very annoying and almost impossible to wait because sometimes they come around and come back!

One of our best picks for more severe acne like this chemical peels. Chemical peeling is a stronger version of facial treatment. They are able to go deeper than the surface level. So, not only will they remove those oils and dead skin cells that cause acne, but they will also help regulate concerns under the skin.

Discover Breakout Freedom Today – Visit About Face Aesthetics!

About Face Aesthetics is about you! Call us the Send us a message if you are ready to make an appointment or if you want to know more about the best tips to learn how to get rid of pimples vs breakouts. We’d love to hear from you!

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