Podcast 200: Celebrating 200 Episodes and a 6-Year Green Beauty Journey

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Podcast 200: Celebrating 200 Episodes And A 6 Year Green Beauty

Welcome to the 200th episode of Green Beauty Conversations in which we celebrate not only this milestone, but six years of thought-provoking dialogue in the world of clean beauty.

Join Formula Botanica CEO and podcast host Lorraine Dallmeier as she marks the occasion with her thoughts on the profound changes seen in the green beauty landscape since this podcast began. Hear a journey documenting change through episodes of Green Beauty Conversations and delve into the changes, challenges and triumphs that have defined the evolution of the beauty industry.

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Inspirational Quote:

“In 200 episodes, we explored the heart of the green beauty, dissecting her essence and following her transformative journey. Let’s dive into the key milestones that have shaped this remarkable development.” – Lorraine Dahlmeier

Highlights from Lorraine’s 6 year podcasting journey:

  • Redefined concepts of “green”: The debate surrounding the concept of “green” in beauty has evolved significantly. From tackling the basics of natural skincare in our inaugural episode to today’s nuanced discussions, the narrative has shifted towards sustainability. In Episode 123, Director of School Education Ana Green and I explored the complex relationship between natural and sustainable beauty, unraveling the complexities that connect and confuse these terms.
  • Plastic Difficulty: Plastic has emerged as a central issue, reflecting the industry’s growing concern about its environmental impact. Over the years, our conversations have delved deeper and deeper into the challenges posed by plastic in beauty products. While the debate has gained momentum, finding comprehensive solutions remains a collaborative effort among thought leaders.
  • Beauty of Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology: Knowing an ironic twist, the industry has moved from ingredients synthesized in a laboratory to a resurgence of interest in natural elements through synthetic biology or the beauty of biotechnology. This change, characterized by the cultivation of plant cells in laboratories, introduces new possibilities and challenges that were barely considered at the beginning of the podcast in 2018.
  • Global Impact and Community Development: Over the past six years, Formula Botanica and the Green Beauty Conversations podcast have achieved remarkable global exposure. From 5,000 students to over 20,000 people in 190 countries, we’ve become a beacon in standardization education. However, this development is a collective responsibility. The call to action is clear – our community needs to expand further, creating a powerful movement to bring about positive change in the beauty industry.

Check back in our podcast archives to learn more about the topics covered in this 6-year review. These episodes are particularly relevant:

Episode 188: The Great Myth of Plastic Recycling
Episode 187: A plastic-free beauty future with Sulapac – introducing plastic alternatives to beauty packaging
Episode 143: The brand has been creating mascara tubes for 2,500 years.
Episode 117: Should Beauty Be Plastic Free?
Episode 118: Plastic is not the enemy – we are.
Episode 115: The microplastics hiding in your cosmetics.
Episode 112: The Dirty Business of Wasted Beauty.
Episode 93: Innovative Mushroom and Seed Beauty Pack.
Episode 189: Biotech Ingredient War Revolutionizes Cosmetics
Episode 121: Biotech beauty – the controversial new frontier
Episode 122: Lab-Grown Skin Care – The New Normal?

Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Formula Botanica Green Beauty Conversations podcast. If you enjoyed listening, please share, subscribe and review this episode at iTunes, Spotify the Youtube so that more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with us at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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Lorraine DahlmeierLorraine Dahlmeier

Lorraine Dallmeier is a biologist, certified environmentalist, and CEO of Formula Botanica, the award-winning online organic cosmetics school. Read more about Lorraine and the Formula Botanica team.

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