Put yourself first, mom

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Put Yourself First, Mom

How adding “Me Time” to your calendar can transform your life

Author: Charron Monaye

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, mothers often find themselves juggling a range of responsibilities – from managing household chores and work commitments to ensuring the care and happiness of their children. In the midst of it all, it’s easy for moms to overlook one crucial person: themselves. This is a gentle reminder to all the working moms out there: make sure to add you to your calendar.

Self-care is not a luxury. it’s nesessery. For many mothers, the concept of self-care often seems like an unattainable luxury due to their demanding schedules. According to a 2023 survey by the American Psychological Association, more than 70% of mothers report feeling overwhelmed by their daily tasks. This constant state of high stress can lead to burnout, anxiety, and even serious health problems if not properly managed. An effective way to ensure that self-care is a priority is to schedule it like any other important appointment. Mothers should treat self-care with the same importance as doctor’s appointments, work meetings, or school events. This starts with setting aside dedicated time for activities that bring joy, relaxation and rejuvenation. Start small by spending 15 minutes a day just for yourself. Whether you’re drinking a hot cup of coffee in silence, reading a few pages of a favorite book, or taking a short walk, these moments can make a big difference to your well-being. Gradually increase this time as you begin to feel the positive effects. The key is consistency.

Leveraging technology can go a long way in this effort. Digital calendars and reminder apps can be lifesavers. Set reminders for self-care activities as you would for any other task. There are many wellness apps designed to help incorporate self-care into your daily routine, whether through meditation, fitness tracking, or mindfulness exercises. Communicate your need for personal time with your family. Explain that when you take “me time,” it’s not only good for you, but good for everyone. Children learn by example, and seeing their mother prioritize self-care teaches them the importance of maintaining a healthy balance. For working mothers, finding that balance can be especially difficult. However, many employers are now recognizing the importance of employee wellbeing. Feel free to discuss flexible work arrangements or explore any wellness programs your workplace may offer.


Remember, adding yourself to your calendar isn’t about being selfish – it’s about being smart. When moms take care of themselves, they are more energetic, patient, and effective in their roles. So the next time you plan your week, don’t forget to pencil in some ‘me time’. You really deserve it after all.

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