Sharing my thoughts and reviewing Darin Olien’s book Super animals And what I learned.
Hi friends! How’s it going in the morning? I hope you have a wonderful day so far. It was * slightly * cooler here lately. Just to the point where the air feels good and fresh without being too cold. The mornings were really wonderful.
For today’s post, I wanted to share my criticism and my thoughts in Darin Olien’s book, Superlife. Written in Olien’s fascinating style, Super animals It is a unique complete look at diet and nutrition, a timeless and basic guide to maintaining the human body and maximize its potential.
Revision of a Superlife Book
You may know Darin from some places:
1) was the updated sidekick of Zac Efron Down to the earth (which I almost spent mentally discussing who was more attractive. Finally, I think it’s a tie.)
2) He is one of the creators of Shakeology! This is Beachbody’s protein shake, which is full of superfoods and nutrients. I was religious and I loved it for years, but I stopped drinking it when I was pregnant with P and never returned to it. It has amazing.
When I saw that Darin had a book, immediately We downloaded it to my Kindle app. Eventually I had the opportunity to dive and finish Wow. While many of them were information I already knew from being in the field of health and well -being for a while, I learned another ton. It was also a mild impetus to return to some healthy habits that have fallen from the radar over time. I feel like with so many of you, I really try to keep my head over the water recently. Eventually I feel like I’m almost at a point where I stumble beyond the reference point “just survives” and can start focusing on some work goals and routine sting.
For a healthy lifestyle, I am all about adding things to your routine, where it makes sense, instead of focusing on removing them. For example: more vegetables, more movement, fresher air, better sleep, meditation etc. Instead of less cakes, less sugar, less meats, blah blah. This book gives many ideas for strategies that you can add to your routine for a super life. One that is alive, activated, no pain and free of illness.
From the site
In this innovative health and lifestyle guide, expert Darin Olien-Superfoods, Nutritionist, Shakeology Creator and Netflix Docuseries co-authored Down to the earth With Zac Efron – it provides the key to understanding and using five life forces, the unique factors that determine whether we will be healthy, appropriate and free from diseases.
In Super animalsDarin Olien provides us with a completely new way of thinking about health and prosperity by identifying what he calls the forces of life: quality nutrition, hydration, detoxification, oxygenation and alkalization. Olien proves in detail how to maintain these processes, thus allowing our body to do the rest. It tells us how we can maintain a healthy weight, prevent even the most serious illnesses and feel great. He explains that all this is possible without any of the restrictive or crumpled nutrition plans that never work in the long run.
Olien has traveled to the world, exploring the health properties of foods that have maintained native cultures for centuries. By doing his research in practice, he created a unique and proven formula to maximize our body potential. It also includes a “how to eat” guide with a shopping list, tips on “What To Prop Away”, a guide to creating a healthy, balanced diet plan and tips on how to use supplements effectively.
What I liked for this book
It creates the book in 5 life forces to emphasize in your daily routine: nutrition, hydration, oxygenation, alkalization and detoxification. In each section, it provides details of the steps you can apply to make the most of each item. It also adds tips for exercise, children’s feeding, supplements, kitchen staples and a 10 -day diet sample and a list of obligations. I love how thorough it is in each section with many feasible tips. It is one of my pets when reading a health or wellness book and the author spends all the time saying about why their plan or philosophy works so well without really giving you the steps you need. They spend a lot on “because” instead of “how” and this book is the perfect mix of both. It is also a very written interlocutor, so while including multiple events supported by science and studies evaluated by peer, it is an easy reading.
Notes I got on my phone while reading:
– Make shoots. (You can see more about this here)
– Large salads with lots of raw vegetables – Focus on Kale and Broccoli
– Smoothies with a variety of ingredients
– water with pinch of seafood salt of Himalayas, cayenne and lemon in AM
– Foods with high content of chlorophyll: Chard, Kale, Spirulina, Chlorella
– Do the exercise sporadic and fun. Really challenge yourself
– Find a better source of water. We have reverse osmosis here at home, but it has not been served by the first time we lived here. So we didn’t use it. I have filled the large jugs of water from whole foods. Although I try to find a better choice (glass bottles, a big filter like Berkey, or even a delivery service). If you have any ideas, let me know!
As non-Vegan who loves vegan food, I’m excited to try some of the new recipes in Super animals. They are all vibrant colored and full of vegetables.
So tell me, friends: What is the best health or wellness book you’ve read recently?
Any wonderful healthy recipes you tried?