Occupation: School Counselor and Marriage/Family Therapist (Private Practice)Industry: Education and mental healthAge: 35Location: Bay Area, CASalary: $122,000 (my …
Calm: $41.99Max. $169.99Amazon Prime: $139Amex Platinum: $695 Was there an expectation to attend higher education? Did you participate …
Occupation: DirectorIndustry: Real estateAge: 41Location: Bay Area, CaliforniaSalary: $325,000Assets: Taxable brokerage: $167,500. 401(k): $304,800; Roth IRA: $45,000; HSAs: …
Occupation: DoctorIndustry: Health CareAge: 34Location: Bay AreaSalary: $235,000Net value: $216,689 ($17,969 cash savings in HYSA and emergency fund, …