Tips to boost your immunity naturally against COVID-19

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Tips To Boost Your Immunity Naturally Against Covid 19

First, I want to say that I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this time.

COVID-19 has literally stopped the world in its tracks. None of us have seen a health epidemic of this scale in our lifetime. It’s beyond scary and if you’re like us, you adjust everything you do to stay safe.

We want to support you in doing just that. As a naturopath, I know one thing for sure. Health starts from within. A nutritious diet will do more for prevention than all the hand sanitizer in the world. We want our online space to be a place of peace and knowledge. We started Botani to help our beautiful customers and will continue to do so during this pandemic.

So today I want to discuss your health and ways you can boost your immunity naturally.

Gut health

Your immunity is directly affected by the health of your gut. Your gut health is a reflection of your diet. Getting your gut bacteria right is one of the most important things you can do to get and stay healthy.

The modern diet, which is full of processed, high-sugar and low-fiber foods, changes your gut and makes you prone to disease. So, what exactly do you need to do to fix the bacteria in your gut? Eat the right foods. The following foods will help realign your sensitive gut bacteria.


Almonds are a delicious snack high in protein and fiber, but the magic really begins when this superfood hits your digestive system. They are a natural probiotic and work to cleanse and neutralize the gut.

Strengthening Immunity


Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Turmeric strengthens your immunity and cures you from diseases. Even more important considering today’s landscape, turmeric helps the body naturally clear the respiratory tract. Plus, it boosts your immunity!

Add it to your milk, tea or just put it in water to absorb all its natural benefits.


Herbs are not only amazing in cooking, they also have health benefits. Stock up on oregano, sage, basil, fennel, mint & rosemary.

ALL have strong antiviral effects against many viruses that cause infections in humans.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the body. It also naturally cleanses your gut of toxins which boosts your immunity.

Add it to a hot cup of water for an instant dose of goodness.

Strengthening Immunity

Nature really does provide everything your immune system needs to thrive.

Vitamin C

Anyone who has ever suffered from a cold or flu will have heard that vitamin C helps, but do you know why? Vitamin C helps your body produce antioxidants. These magical antioxidants work to maintain a healthy balance in the body. Which is good.

Now, your body produces something called “free radicals” that can work with or against you. When you get a virus, your body produces too many free radicals. Vitamin C can work to balance free radicals and minimize the severity of the virus.

Short version; Get natural vitamin C supplements and add broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, cabbage, kiwi, orange juice, papaya, bell pepper, sweet potato, strawberries and tomatoes to your diet to boost your immunity.

Strengthening Immunity

Olive leaf extract

We always knew the olive was special. Our skin care range is based on this. But did you know that olive leaf extract has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties? All these combined make it a super supplement ready to fight viruses.

Taking just one tablespoon of olive leaf extract daily can protect you from COVID-19. Additionally, it helps minimize the severity of fevers, headaches, sore throats, fatigue, and coughs.

sleep enough

When we sleep, our immune system releases proteins called cytokines. These cytokines must be increased to fight infection. If we don’t get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, our bodies produce less of this critical protein. Without the proper levels of cytokines, our ability to fight disease is suppressed.

Try a relaxing chamomile tea and burn lavender essential oils at night to improve sleep. And above all, limit the time you spend on your phone at night – increased use before bed hinders your sleep hygiene.

Strengthening Immunity

Wash your hands and your body AND your face

There is a lot of information about hand washing circulating in the media right now. Which is great. You should always wash your hands. Just make sure you don’t forget your body and face. The virus can eventually stick to anything.

Also, don’t forget to choose natural products. The truth is, you don’t need harsh chemicals to remove virus debris. Our natural formulas do their job perfectly and won’t harm your skin.


This refreshing, naturally medicated soap uses antiseptic and antibacterial active ingredients to cleanse skin and remove germs without stripping the surface of healthy oils.

Treat body acne and common fungal infections with lemon-scented Australian tea tree oil. a natural antibacterial. Botáni’s Eco-Clear Body Bar is suitable for all skin types, especially congested and acne-prone skin.

Gut health


This cleanser will gently remove dirt and grime without disrupting your skin’s protective barrier. Even better, it cleanses the skin of impurities, pollutants and yes, germs.

Containing antiseptic properties and ingredients, this cleanser hydrates and softens while cleansing the skin. This unique formulation also contains a blend of calendula, tea tree oil and echinacea to protect your skin.

Gut health


PhytoBody Wash is a luxurious and gentle gel-based body wash designed for all skin conditions. Its antiseptic properties will ward off germs, of course.

It gently cleanses and restores moisture without stripping your skin of its vital oils. This multi-purpose body wash is an ideal foam bath and hand wash.

Gut health

Don’t forget to nourish your hands with the Olive Hand & Body Cream, which will soothe, nourish and protect your hands from the effects of harsh soaps and detergents.

Above all, be humble, be kind, take a breath and check on your neighbors. Take time to be mindful, exercise, and face the challenge ahead with empathy.

You count.

light of love,

Varvara h

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