We are on the move

by dailyinsightbrew.com
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We Are On The Move

If you subscribe to my blog posts via email, then you might notice something slightly different about the next one, which arrives tomorrow: it’s sent from a new provider. There is absolutely nothing to worry about because – for you – there is no other change.

Oh, besides – and this is a huge bonus, depending on whether you actually enjoy my posts or not – the fact that you’ll be seeing my emails more often and more consistently from now on. Once a week and always Tuesday.

Obviously if you can’t stand receiving my posts via email then this news will devastate you and it is absolutely imperative that you find the unsubscribe button on this post right now and then click on it. For everyone else, this should all be brilliant and exciting news. Because it’s brilliant and exciting: we’re returning to an era of regular blog posts. Back to his days (and title). A model recommends – unbiased reviews and slightly blunt views of the world from your favorite old mannequin. Best beauty buys and must-haves, travel stuff and all sorts of useful bits, interspersed with some of life’s funniest updates and observations that spill out of my fertile mind.

It will be like 2013, all over again. Only it will come from a slightly different place.

Before you start panicking about the old and feeling like everything is being uprooted. this site isn’t going anywhere. You’ll still be able to take a look at the archives and a lot of the new stuff I post will be here too. but the majority of my writing will now be on Substack.

Why; Well, we gotta move with the times, baby! There’s a whole post about that – the first post in our new home, in fact, and it’s coming to your inbox soon – but the bottom line is, if you’re creating content in this day and age, you really need a platform to publish it on. For the world to see. Unless you’re a dedicated beauty blog, or you’re posting recipes or things that the general public is likely to Google and search for, it’s very difficult to attract new eyes to your content. I mean, how many people are actually going to Google “what does a German’s penis look like?” (The speculative answer to this particular question lies within this post.)

I feel absolutely lucky to have such a huge readership here, but a lot of my writing isn’t necessarily very easily searchable online. It is there for enjoyment first and foremost. And it would be great if more people could enjoy it.

I’ve been looking for a platform for my writing for a while and have chosen Substack. It just seems like a really great place to be, where it’s easy to comment and reply to comments, easy to repost other people’s work and build great communities. You can also leave voice notes, text notes and video content for your followers and keep live video streams: it’s like someone has dug into my brain and designed the exact platform I’ve always wanted to create and use.

And there’s definitely an attraction, for me, in that I don’t have to build or maintain any of this platform – I just log in and spend 100% of my time writing stuff, rather than spending half my online life updating site plugins or trying to figure out why the hell comments can only be WRITTEN IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

You’ll see (or maybe not, I haven’t fully worked out the settings yet!) that there are several ways to use Substack. Some charge for their content, some charge for it all there, others have their newsletters available completely free. My new weekly post is completely free. If you receive This email then you are automatically signed up – I have simply transferred my existing subscriber list to the new provider. You don’t have to do anything at all – well done, congratulations, be excited for years to come!

If you do not wish to receive my future tours, please unsubscribe by clicking the link in this email – it’s right at the bottom. If you ever change your mind or hear people whispering this wonderful A Model Recommends on Substack – “it’s like listening to Lady Whistledown!” – then just search me and sign up again. There will also be a huge banner at the top of my site with a link to take you to my posts, in case you get really, really lost.

If you’re not currently signed up to receive my posts via email (damn, this is getting complicated!), then you can sign up for new weekly posts here.

Correctly. This isn’t goodbye, it’s huge Hello again. Hello back to regular posts, to more writing, to a little throwback to how things were before short form content took over the internet and we all developed the attention spans of a gnat. See you next week. A huge, heartfelt thank you to those who have followed me for so many years and seen me through so many different eras and iterations of the blog. This is going to be the best yet and I couldn’t think of better people to bring along for the ride.

You will receive your first email from the new home tomorrow around 10am. BST – if you don’t see it, check your spam filter and if is in spam and then make sure you mark as “no”. Until then my faithful friends!

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