Welcome to ‘The Wardrobe Edit’ and my sub-stack suggestions

by dailyinsightbrew.com
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Welcome To 'the Wardrobe Edit' And My Sub Stack Suggestions

Think if Blogspot & a newsletter had a baby…

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So I joined Understack! When Mark and I moved out a few months ago, I felt like I was in danger of sitting on a deck chair and just rotting my brain out with a big, long continuous scroll through Instagram and TikTok. have you ever hadYou are all up to date with all the posts of the last 3 daysInstagram notification? BECAUSE I HAVE!! Multiple times. Ouch. So I deleted the apps from my phone and saved a bunch of articles from the Substack app that I had just downloaded and wanted to read and well, I had a exceptional year. It takes me back to the old days of blogging – you know Blogpost?! What a throwback. All your old favorites, and some new voices who share their thoughts and really like it enriching experience. Like the anti-rot cylinder.

I couldn’t help myself and jumped right in with my return and created “The Wardrobe Edit”; a twice-weekly newsletter where on Sundays I share a diary of everything I wore that week and on Fridays I show you my ‘Weekly Wishlist’, a compilation of the top 10 styles I’ve seen online in the past seven days. I sprinkle other style related posts in there too, I can’t get enough. Every time I have a free moment I’m like “Maybe write a Substack?‘! It feels fun and friendly and it’s so nice to have a space online where it doesn’t feel so posh and it’s more real-time. Plus I really like writing to balance out all the video making I do – it’s always nice to have that balance. There will still be style posts here too – sometimes the format just lends itself to a blog – but if you want to see my daily outfits or do a weekly shopping change from yours truly, Substack is the place to go. If you haven’t checked it out then the link to sign up is below, but I think the real heart of Substack is the recommendations as they make it easier to discover new authors, so also below you’ll find my top 11 Substacks to stick me to every suspension…


Every body gets dressed – Liza’s Substack is AMAZING. She does a little bit of everything when it comes to style – from shopping guides to capsule wardrobe edits. But my favorite things she shares are resources – consider an education in what fabrics to buy or how to adapt your style as you go through life. It is so educational. Thanks for putting it out there Lisa!

PIG STAND – Ahhh Heather. Do you follow Pigmami on TikTok!? Well, this is her Substack. She has such a whimsical way of writing about style and I love her mix of high-street, designer and vintage. She is the favorite queen!!!! This it is a very good post to begin with.

Troupe – If you’re looking for minimal style inspo, look no further than Reva’s Substack. She is a stylist who shares her daily looks as well as outfit formulas several times a week. I find myself rooting for her look so often. I’m excited to be a little more experimental with my choices.

True Style – Just like Liza’s Substack, Lakyn’s is literally a book on the internet. She bills herself as a ‘Sustainable Stylist’ and shares her wardrobe tastes, capsule wardrobes, what to do when you hate everything in your wardrobe – you get the gist. It’s just a Substack that you can learn a lot from. SIGN UP RIGHT NOW!

Count Count – Daphne is soooo. I just want to be her, okay?! While her style may be a lot more exciting and fun than mine, I really like her take on her personal style and how she thinks when it comes to clothes. Whenever her “Saturday Snack” arrives, I’ll always pause to read right away.

5 things you must buyBecky’s newsletter is like THE Substack style to sign up for and I can see why. She’s just having fun playing with her wardrobe and it shows. Lots of inspiration, lots of new ideas and her posts are meaty. I always leave feeling like I need to go and try on a new outfit right away.

Inside out – This is new to me because I’ve become a bit of a fan of Esther thanks to her TikTok. She kept mentioning that she just released a Substack so I went to check it out and it’s just a great curation of all the things I love – from basic white tees to jeans. This girl is detailed and I’m here for it.

Jane On Jeans – When I first saw this newsletter I thought “How much can be written about jeans?!And the answer is A LOT, especially from someone like Jane who knows her stuff (and happens to be the owner of the brand that made that favorite cream suit I bought last year). She knows her stuff and absorbing this newsletter will definitely make you a much better jeans shopper.


Life Update – I love Lucy’s content. She posts such thoughtful and creative YouTube videos, her TikToks are beautifully crafted and her Substack is no different. He posts on a variety of topics from fast fashion analysis to Drake’s new album – oh and he podcasts! I love being in her head so thank you for sharing Lucy!

Dogs have to eat – I’ll happily devour Samantha Irby’s content wherever she posts it on the internet, and she recently moved her newsletter to Substack, so I’m happy to follow her. It’s just funny. It’s pure comedy, laugh-till-you-drop humor – and I love it this post from her sums it up best.

Kitchen works – This was the first Substack I came across and wrote. Someone shared Nicola’s profile on IG and I was instantly hooked. Like if you want value for money and LOVE cooking then THAT IS. She posts two stacks weekly – one recipe shared with free subscribers and one for paid subscribers featuring depth – think food science, testing, expert interviews. Of detailed. But when I get a chance to sit down and read it it’s great.

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