What causes acne?

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What Causes Acne?

Acne is not a one-size-fits-all condition. Depending on its cause, acne can manifest as occasional pimples or as a more chronic, lifelong problem. Yes, until 80% of people will experience acne at some point in their lives. One of the best ways to fight acne is to treat its root cause. Here are five common causes of acne, along with our tips to banish breakouts for good.

What causes acne?

As an International Trainer Brian Goodwin explains, acne is an inflammatory skin disease caused by things like excess sebum production, dead skin cells, or harmful microbes colonizing the skin. To complicate matters, you may be experiencing a combination of these issues. Let’s examine these factors and discuss how they play a role in breakouts, blemishes, and more chronic acne:

1. Blocked resources

Every pimple starts the same way: a clogged pore. Each of our pores consists of a hair follicle that contains a sebaceous (oil) gland that performs an essential function for skin health. Sebaceous glands release sebum, a waxy, oily secretion that helps lubricate and smooth the surface of the skin. Although this is necessary to maintain the proper balance of the skin, there can be problems with this process. When sebum travels along the follicle to the surface of the skin, it can get trapped by dead skin cells that block its path. Acne occurs when oil and debris combine with trapped bacteria, causing the infection and inflammation we call a breakout.

2. Excessive Oil Production

Is your skin too oily? Oily skin is thought to be caused by a genetic predisposition to overproduction of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes the skin’s sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. Sebum, although often thought of as a nuisance for oily skin types, plays a key role in maintaining the skin’s moisture barrier and protecting it from harmful environmental agents and microbes. However, when the skin produces too much oil, its pores enlarge and tighten in an attempt to contain the excess. If excess oil gets trapped, it can combine with the dead skin and bacteria that have settled inside the pore, causing breakouts. The severity of acne breakouts can depend on your body’s tendency to overproduce oil.

3. Bacteria

Everyone has acne bacteria living on their skin, but not everyone acne bacteria they trigger pimples. According Medical news today: “Research shows acne severity and frequency depends on bacterial strain.” The strain of bacteria that contributes to acne is called Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes. This bacterium is generally harmless, but under certain conditions (such as blocked pores, surrounded with oil and without air) can trigger an immune response that causes inflammation of the surrounding tissues.

4. Hormones

Hormones affect acne at all ages, with hormonal fluctuations often increasing sebum production and leading to breakouts. Changes in the body’s androgen levels, which are common during puberty, menstrual cycles or pregnancy, can cause acne. Usually, hormonal acne occurs on the lower half of the face, such as along the chin and jawline. It’s no secret that many teenagers struggle with acne. Adolescent acne, a form of hormonal acne, is caused by changing hormones that affect sebum production. The key difference is that teenage acne is closely associated with puberty and often goes away in early adulthood, Brian explains. Acne that persists after the age of 25 is referred to as persistent acne. Teenage acne can appear on the face, neck, chest and back, while adult acne is more commonly found on the face.

As Brian explains, hormonal fluctuations can change the balance of sebum components, such as fatty acids and triglycerides. In addition, hormones affect cell turnover rates and the skin’s inflammatory response, leading to pore congestion and potential infections.

5. Genetics

Unfortunately, your own inevitable genetic makeup often plays a role when it comes to breakouts. Some people are genetically more prone to inflammation of their sebaceous glands from hormones, oils and bacteria. Chances are, if one of your parents had moderate to severe acne, you’re likely to experience symptoms as well.

Acne treatment options

One of the best ways to treat the causes of acne is through your skin care routine. To keep your skin clear and flawless, we recommend using the Advanced Acne Treatment System 3-Step. The products in this innovative collection are designed to treat acne and prevent future breakouts, with results in just 28 days.

For best results, contact your favorite Eminence Organics Spa partner for a consultation or acne facial to receive a routine tailored to your skin’s unique needs.

Do you suffer from acne? How has it affected you and what has helped you find relief? We’d love to hear your story. Share it with us in the comments and join the conversation on social media.

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