What is Spenga (and would I recommend trying it)?

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What Is Spenga (and Would I Recommend Trying It)?

Share a review of Spenga and whether you would recommend adding it to your fitness routine.

Hello! How are you? I hope you’ve had a great day so far. I’m headed to a barre class and looking forward to family dinner later tonight.

For today’s post, I wanted to talk a little about Spenga! I heard about it years ago and it was always in the back of my mind as a format I wanted to try. Recently a friend moved back to Tucson – we went to high school together! – and Spenga is her workout studio of choice. She invited me to join her for a lesson, so I pushed to finally give it a try. I have to say it exceeded my expectations and I can’t wait to go again.

What is Spenga (and would I recommend trying it)?

What is Spenga?

Spenga, short for Spin, Strength, Yoga, is an innovative fitness concept that has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years. It is a group fitness program designed to provide a complete workout in a single session, providing the benefits of cardio, strength training and flexibility work.

The Spenga Concept: Why was it created?

Spenga was created with the goal of providing a time-efficient, effective and enjoyable workout routine that maximizes the benefits of different types of exercise without overloading any one. The concept was developed to serve individuals who may not have the time or inclination to participate in multiple types of classes or visit multiple facilities to achieve their fitness goals.

What does a Spenga lesson look like?

A typical Spenga lesson is a 60-minute session divided into three equal parts:


The workout begins with a high-energy spin cycle. This part focuses on improving cardiovascular endurance, boosting metabolism and burning calories. This component involved a lot of sprinting and heavy hill climbing. it went by so fast!


The spin is followed by a circuit of strength training using a variety of equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands and bodyweight exercises. This section is designed to build muscle strength, improve bone density and improve overall functional fitness. Our particular workout had a mix of functional and compound movements, such as push-up rows, pushups, and biceps curls.


The class concludes with a yoga-inspired stretch and recovery session that promotes flexibility, relaxation and stress reduction. This last part ensures a holistic approach to fitness, nurturing both body and mind. I loved the breathability and smooth flow.

The advantages of Spenga:

Efficiency: It offers a complete workout in just one hour, saving you time. Variety: Incorporates different types of exercises, which can prevent workout boredom.

Community: A team atmosphere can provide motivation and support.

Guided workouts: Classes are led by experienced instructors who ensure proper form and intensity.

Comprehensive: It balances cardio, strength and flexibility in one session

Monitoring: They offer heart rate monitoring, which sets your personal baseline “goal” for cardio. You can see your name in a little bubble and how well you’re doing compared to your goal. This goal will move based on your performance and how often you go.

Disadvantages of Spenga:

Intensity: It may not suit all fitness levels, especially those who are new to exercise or have specific needs. I didn’t notice many modifications on offer, particularly in the durability department.

Access to equipment: Some locations may not have the same range or quality of equipment as others.

Cost: Membership or class fees may be higher compared to gyms or studios in an industry. I feel like our Tucson studio was very competitively priced compared to other boutique studios, especially if you do the unlimited or auto pay options. (I mean drop-in is about $25 per class, which is pretty standard here.)

Availability: Not all areas may have Spenga studios, limiting accessibility for some people.

Overtraining potential: like ANY specialized studio, it’s very easy to get excited and want to go every day. Because of the strength training element and intense cardio portion, I think this would be best 3 times a week max on non-consecutive days.

Can you lose weight with Spenga?

You know this isn’t my #1 goal when I try a new workout, but I’m adding it here for friends who are curious, as well as the man (aka Google). To lose weight with Spenga, you’ll want to make sure you incorporate several rest days into your routine, eat enough protein and produce while maintaining a calorie deficit (this is what will change your body composition) and work your nervous system. Your body also needs to be *ready* for weight loss. This often means managing stress and increasing maintenance calories. It’s really hard to lose weight when you’re super stressed. I would also emphasize lifestyle habits that support the hormones of happiness, such as sleep, supplementation to fill nutrient gaps, detoxification, blood sugar balance, daily exercise, sunlight, protein, smart carbs and healthy fats .

To wrap it all up:

Spenga is a well-designed fitness program that aims to cater to those looking for a well-rounded workout without having to commit to multiple classes or facilities. Its balanced approach to cardio, strength and flexibility makes it an attractive choice for busy people looking to maximize their fitness efforts. As always, look at your routine and make sure it has a balance of cardio, strength, mobility and rest throughout the week. Talk to a doctor before making any fitness changes and honor your body.

I LOVED the class. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed every bit of it and thought the instructor was great. I could see how difficult it would be to hire instructors who have a background in cycling, personal training AND yoga. I’m curious to know what the instructor requirements are, because I imagine it would require multiple certifications.

Whether you’re new to the gym or a seasoned athlete, Spenga can be a great addition to your workout routine. By combining the best elements of cardio, strength and flexibility, it can give you a balanced routine while preventing boredom. Definitely check it out if you have a studio near you.

So tell me, friends: have you tried Spenga? What is your favorite gym right now? My top three here in Tucson are Pure Barre, Roots Hot Yoga and F45.




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