Winter Wind Down: 8 Ways to Wind Down Naturally

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Winter Wind Down: 8 Ways To Wind Down Naturally

Like every year, the holidays have come and gone… but before you kick off your heels and start the New Year, take these next few days and find some time for yourself. Take some time (whether it’s 30 minutes in the evening or you take the whole day off work one day this week) to just be with yourself and treat your mind, body and spirit with care. We often overexert ourselves during this time of year, and I’m here to remind you (and myself) that some self-love is vital during these crazy days.

Now, grab yourself a cup of tea, relax on the couch, maybe even light the fire, because we’re about to look at LPN’s top natural relaxation tips for winter. Oh, and did I mention that the feeling of relaxation you get is also really good for your anti-aging and overall health?)

Time for tea! Drink Tulsi herbal tea

But not just any herbal tea! Get yourself a box (or bag) of Organic Tulsi Tea (also known as Saint Basil). Tulsi is a sacred planet in India and known as an adaptogenic herb – that is, it enhances the body’s natural response to physical and emotional stress. Many scientific studies have looked at the herb and found that extracts of holy basil reduce stress hormone levels, including corticosterone. So curl up on the couch, throw on your favorite Justin Bieber’s track music and drinking (unless pregnant or breastfeeding, in which case not enough studies have been done to check for contraindications).

Where to buy from:

Buy online at iHerb (and use code MEP206 for $5 to $10 USD off your next order)

I love the brand pictured (loose leaf) too Organic India Tulsi, which is easy to find on iHerb from $4 USD – $7.50 (depends on bags vs loose sheet)

Calendar or Plan with Happiness in Mind Happiness Planner

IMG_2721The end of the year is always a beautiful time to reflect on what has been and, of course, what will be. Moving into a new year often comes with resolutions and big plans, but why not make happiness your big plan next year? Why not take a few moments to think about how you would like to FEEL in the coming year (as opposed to the big checklist we usually create for ourselves). The Happiness Planner is a whole new way of looking at how to see the future – with a focus on what really matters. I love the gorgeous packaging, it makes you happy just looking at the damn thing.

But in all seriousness, get your hands on one of these and start your new year off on the right foot.

Where to buy from:

Online at Happiness Planner for $29 USD for 100 days the 2016 Happiness Planner for $59 USD EARN $5 OFF with this link.

In Oslo, find yours at Leela Yoga

Botanical Steam & Lavender Facial Hydrosols


Not only deeply relaxing, herbal steams open pores and help release impurities (yes, including those toxins you ingested over the holiday season). This particular steam pack from Mullein & Sparrow includes lots of lavender – one of the best herbs for fighting stress and calming the mind – as well as chamomile and rose. It’s the perfect combination for an evening of pampering.

Complete your mini facial with lavender hydrosol that hydrates and invigorates the skin – and lavender is super relaxing. Use as a face mist any time of day you want a little reminder to breathe.

Where to buy from:

Buy herbal facial steam and hydrosol in a package directly from Mullein & Sparrow Online for $69 USD (also includes face mask and serum!)

Facial steam for $14 USD

Lavender Hydrosol for $18 USD

Continue reading your (Spiritual).


Whatever types of books feed your spirit, take some time to relax and curl up with a good book. Feed your mind with some new ideas or your soul with some supremely satisfying fiction. I am currently working on some more spiritual reading – Anatomy of the spirit by Caroline Myss is a fascinating read about healing and the connection between your spirit and your health. One of my besties cut me this before I took off for the holidays – and I highly recommend it.

The Chakra Bible is an excellent “first read” for those interested in the chakras, their properties and how to work with them. I love that this can easily help you learn how to work with the chakras in your daily life and yoga practice.

Where to buy from:

Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss for $9 USD from Amazon

Chakra Bible for $12.50 USD from Amazon

Bath time with Woodlot Salts & Candles

IMG_2736There are few things in this life that relax me more than a warm candlelit bath – and it sure helps when that candle is non-toxic and beautifully scented and the bath salts are infused with peppermint essential oils.

Love Woodlot right now – focusing on small batches and pure ingredients, Woodlot is a perfect package and product. The detoxifying mineral bath is made with Dead Sea salts and Himalayan pink salts, which combine with peppermint and rosemary to create a beautiful and refreshing bath. Soaking in the tub watching the 60 hour (good for 120 baths! ha!), the pure coconut wax fuel is wonderful, especially as it leaves notes of orange and bergamot with cedar wood – fresh and a perfect bath time companion.

Where to buy from?

Woodlot Coconut Wax Wax in Flora for $17 USD from Eco Diva Beauty

Woodlot Mineral Bath Salts on Recharge for $20 USD from Eco Diva Beauty

Supplement with natural stress relievers


One of the most powerful dietary supplements for stress relief is the Ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha. This incredible super root is known for

  • It stimulates the immune system
  • Inspiring Vigor and Strength
  • Increase body levels of Super Oxide Dismutase
  • Harmonize mind, body and spirit
  • Reduce the effects of mental, emotional and physical stress

I take mine in the morning mixed with smoothies, teas or just water. Ashwagandha is considered an adaptogen, as it harmonizes physiological functions and supports hormone balance in men and women. In a recent study conducted by the US National Library of Medicine, it was reported that this tonic herb can help with asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue, anemia, infertility, depression and blood pressure. All that being said, it might be a good idea to grab a jar, even if you’re not feeling the holiday burn. 😉

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The most famous Flower Essence formula of Dr. Bach, Rescue Remedy, is one of the world’s best known natural stress relievers. You’ve seen it on my Snapchat (snap.kate) a few times, as well as mine Instagram. Made from five flower essences: Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem. Rescue Remedy is natural and great for treating everyday stress symptoms.

Where to buy from:

Sun Potion’s Ashwagandha $36.99 USD from Sun filter THE $22.95 when you sign up for a Thrive Market membership

Bach’s Flower Rescue Remedy on iHerb (use code MEP206 for $5 – $10 off) $17.86 USD

Diffuse High Grade Essential oils from Annmarie Skincare


I LOVE Annmarie Skincare – you’ve seen me talk about her cosmetics here , her skincare here and here and her sunscreen here . Her premium essential oil blends are no different. Specializing in all that is good and natural – bringing the best quality and purest oils. My favorites for clearance? Annmarie Skincare’s “Calm“mix and”Grounded“. I diffuse my oils in a nebulizer or add them to carrier oils and rub on my pressure points (inner wrists, under my ears, etc.)

Calm it is a great oil to diffuse during relaxation and meditation as it helps you create a sacred space for yourself. The combination of fir oil brings freshness to this floral blend, tied with comforting frankincense and relaxing lavender and rose. It’s a simple, yet beautiful blend.


Grounded is a peace-inducing blend of woody and earthy base notes with a touch of sweetness from the essential oils of sandalwood, amaryllis, balsam of Peru, cedar, vetiver, amber (fossilized), copaiba balsam, galangal root, patchouli, ginger root, Buddha wood and root turmeric.

Where to buy from:

Online at Annmarie Skincare for $39.95 USD
Store Calm down here
Store Grounded here

Store all her essential oils here for $219 USD

Make Art

IMG_2741 copyTake some time and tap into your creative side. My mom and I (and my brother actually joined later in the evening) made these “Spirit Cards”. Kelsi, my friend and fellow yogi (she wrote this Gifts for the Yogi post here ) taught me about this super fun practice that is both meditative and fun. Here’s what you do:

  1. Collect old magazines from different types of styles (maybe Natural Health mags, Yoga mags, Home mags, Lifestyle mags… anything really)
  2. Take some time to copy pages and images of things that appeal to you (don’t just do it, just do it, no matter what it is)
  3. Then later cut out the pieces of pages that spoke to you
  4. Collect the pieces and colors and sort them into groups that reasonably feel good to you
  5. Paste as many images as you want (2 – 4 is usually good) in a collage-like format on some cardboard
  6. Take these cards and make a “deck” (you can make a few cards at once, or maybe make one or two and make others some other time)
  7. Each day you draw a Spirit Card and explore what these images mean to you – how they can help you or what your intuition is telling you

It’s a really fun way to dig into your subconscious and it’s a lot of fun to do the journaling with some friends or family members.

Well my lovelies, I hope you have a relaxing few days before the New Year begins!

Much love from my Canadian home,



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