Medical weight loss options have been all over the media for a few years now and the impact it can have on the user’s life is incredible.
This is Mary. Her experience with medical weight loss in Philadelphia completely changed her life.
Suddenly, the noise of her eating stopped. She didn’t have to fight the cravings every second of the day and it was hard for her body to keep eating past the point of satiety. She was technically on a reduced calorie “diet” but it didn’t feel like a diet because to be successful she just had to listen to her body’s cues. (When using a GLP-1 like Semaglutide, you feel nauseous if you eat the wrong foods like pasta and candy or eat too much). The pounds seemed to melt away.
Over the course of 9 months, Mary lost 95 pounds. For the first time in her adult life, she can shop at any Philadelphia store she wants and wear any style of clothing she likes. As if by magic, her joint pain disappeared. She feels energized and her confidence has soared.
Semaglutide medical weight loss in our Philadelphia office consists of weekly administration of the drug, specifically dosed to your needs. Semaglutide reduces food cravings, appetite and noise. Under proper guidance, Semaglutide makes it so easy to lose unhealthy weight and live life in a healthier way.